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Lab Demonstration, Week 6


  1. Log into a UNIX machine.

  2. Change directory to wherever you want to do CS 5631 work.

  3. Give UNIX commands
        cp ~gshute/public/cs5631/scheduling.jar .
    The directory listing should show a file named scheduling.jar.

  4. Give UNIX commands
        jar xf scheduling.jar
        ls -F
    The directory listing should show a directory named scheduling.

  5. Give UNIX commands
        cd scheduling
    The directory listing should show several .java and .class files.

  6. Give the UNIX command
        java SchedulerMain > out

  7. View the out file with your favorite editor You should see a description of four scheduling runs on a set of tasks. Each of the runs uses a different scheduling algorithm, but the set of tasks is the same in all four runs.

  8. Modifications:
    You can easily modify the set of tasks that are used in the scheduling runs. All you need to do is modify entries in the tasks array declared in SchedulerMain.java. A comment in the declaration shows how each task entry should look (except the last one should not have a comma after it). You can also change the time slice used in the round-robin scheduler. Just change the returned value in the method getTimeSlice() in the file RRScheduler.java. After making changes, you should recompile modified files and rerun the program.

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