Your team must submit a working, executable
Web application
ARchive) file:
Not a NetBeans project folder
Created using the Clean and Build function in NetBeans
Stored in the project's dist folder as
<project>.war where <project> is the name of
your NetBeans project
To avoid confusion, please incorporate your team number
into your project name.
Your <project>.war file will be deployed in the Glassfish
application server running on for evaluation:
If it does not deploy correctly, no credit will be given
Before submission, verify that your <project>.war
file deploys in some instance of Glassfish other than the one it
was developed on
If your project is already incorporating a database, contact the
instructor so arrangements can be made to set up a connection
Your <project>.war file is due by 8:00pm on Monday,
November 16.
It should be placed in the shared Google Drive folder.