JSF web applications can send email messages under program control
using the
JavaMail API available through the
javax.mail package.
We present a simple JSF page (and associated Java classes) that collects
information for a mail
message and sends it using a bean's
action method.
The initial page shown below is rendered by the
index.xhtml JSF
page shown in the
Code section.
The page's built-in validation insists that all form fields be non-empty:
If all form fields are non-empty, the
method is invoked.
It calls the
MailService utility's
sendMessage method,
which throws an exception if the recipient address does not legally
If the address does parse then the message is sent.
Note that just because a message is successfully sent does not mean it
will reach its target.
In the example below, if
foo@bar.com is not a legal address, a
"bounced" message will be sent to the originating email account
specified by the private constants in
This section shows the relevant JSF and Java files for this application.
- index.xhtml: collects information for a mail message and
invokes a bean's send method when button is clicked
- ClientBean.java: class that stores message information and
whose send method uses the MailService utility
- MailService.java: class using the JavaMail API and
which must be configured with valid mail user credentials