Templates are a mechanism for laying out common page features.
They are demonstrated in the planets example which can be run
The planets example uses a shared page layout that is used by all of its
web pages.
The layout defines four named variant features.
Individual web pages can plug in different content for these features:
windowTitle appears in the browser title bar and tab
Login page: "Welcome to the Planetarium"
Welcome page: "The Planetarium"
Planet pages: The name of the planet
titlebar is the panel at the top of the page display
Login page: "Welcome to the Planetarium"
Other pages: "The Planetarium"
sidebar is the panel at the left of the page display
Login page: One message and image
Other pages: Multiple images as links
content is the panel at the bottom right of the page display
Login page: Login form
Welcome page: Instructions
Planet pages: Information about the planet
In the layout template, some of the features define a default content.
This is useful when many of the web pages use the same content in a
The layout template for the planets application is defined in
This is an ordinary XHTML file except for the ui:insert tags:
tag names one of the variant features:
windowTitle, titlebar, sidebar, or content
If the
tag has a body, it is used as default
content for the template
tag allow this content to come from
other files
Pages use this layout through a ui:composition tag that defines
what is to be inserted using ui:define tags in its body
Web Pages/templates/masterLayout.xhtml
Use ui:composition as in login.xhtml below to make use of
a template:
The ui:define tags in the composition correspond to the
ui:insert tags in the master layout template
When the template is loaded, each ui:insert tag is replaced
with the contents of the corresponding ui:define
Note use of ui:include to get content from another file
Since ui:composition uses a master layout page that already has
html, head, title, and body tags, Facelets
removes all tags outside the ui:composition tag,
explaining why the title is IGNORED.
Web Pages/login.xhtml
The included content is wrapped in a ui:composition tag so that
the surrounding tags are stripped
However, no template attribute is given because it is already
specified in the including file
Web Pages/sections/login/titlebar.xhtml
After the user logs in, the same master layout is used for the
rendered page planetarium.xhtml
Note that the titlebar and sidebar are not defined, so
the defaults are used
Web Pages/planetarium.xhtml
If the user has logged in and clicks on Saturn, the same master layout
is used again in
Each of the planets uses the master layout in the same way
In a richer application, the content for each planet would be
in a separate file
Web Pages/saturn.xhtml
ui:insert —
Names a variant feature in a template file
ui:define —
Defines the content to be placed in a variant feature
ui:include —
Includes content from other XHTML pages
ui:composition —
Defines content as the target of a ui:include
To use these tags you must add the following attribute to
your html tag: