CS 4521 PA1 — Array Algorithms

Due October 13, 15 points.

For this assignment you will download and complete a NetBeans project. This project contains code for a graph model and two new operations that act on the model. Changes made by the operations are displayed in the main program.

This assignment is similar to the previous assignment except that you will be implementing minimal spanning tree and single-source shortest paths searches. You will be working with a somewhat different main program. It will give you the capability of stepping though the algorithm that you are implementing and viewing logging messages generated by your code.


  1. First you need to download the file MSTandSSSP.zip to a convenient location.
  2. Then unzip the file. This will create a NetBeans project folder.
  3. Run NetBeans and open this project.


To complete the assignment you will need to implement code in three classes:

Comments in the code suggest what you need to do. You should first take a look at the graph.GraphVisitor and graph.PrioritizingGraphVisitor classes. Both of the Visitor classes need to extend the PrioritizingGraphVisitor class, which extends the GraphVisitor class.

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