Midterm II (EX2) Review Questions
CS 4521, Fall 2000
Ch. 13 - Binary Search Trees
In a traversal of a binary tree, you visit each node three times: once
preorder, once inorder, and once postorder.
When do these visits occur in relation to traversing the left and right
What are average and worst-case runtimes for adds and
removes in an unbalanced binary tree implementation of a Table?
Ch. 14 - Red-Black Trees
What are the two most important conditions on red-black trees?
What are average and worst-case runtimes for adds and
removes in an red-black tree implementation of a Table?
When you first add a node in a red-black tree, what color is the new
What problem can this cause?
You are adding an entry to a red-black tree.
You are at a node whose children are both red, and the right child of
the left child is also red.
What steps do you take?
What information do you pass to the next level up?
You are adding an entry to a red-black tree.
You are at a node whose left child is red, and whose right child is
The right child of the left child is red.
What steps do you take?
What will you need to do at the next level up?
You are adding an entry to a red-black tree.
You are at a node whose left child was just made red.
What steps do you take?
Will you need to do anything at the next level up?
You have just removed a red node from a red-black tree.
What do you need to do to rebalance the tree?
You are removing an entry from a red-black tree.
All paths through the left child of the current node are short by one
black node.
The right child is red.
What steps do you take?
Will you need to do anything at the next level up?
You are removing an entry from a red-black tree.
All paths through the left child of the current node are short by one
black node.
The right child is black and the right child of the right child is red.
What steps do you take?
Will you need to do anything at the next level up?
You are removing an entry from a red-black tree.
All paths through the left child of the current node are short by one
black node.
The right child is black and both of its children are black.
What steps do you take?
Will you need to do anything at the next level up?
After an add in a red-black tree, what is the maximum number of
rotations required to rebalance the tree?
After a remove in a red-black tree, what is the maximum number of
rotations required to rebalance the tree?
How does red-black tree balancing affect the average runtimes
for table operations?
Ch. 2, 18 - Growth of Functions, Amortized Analysis
Describe what is meant by the following:
T(n) = O(f(n))
T(n) = Theta(f(n))
T(n) = Omega(f(n))
What is the difference between average and amortized
Ch. 20 - Binomial Heaps
How many entries does a binomial tree of rank n have?
What conditions does a binomial tree satisfy?
How do you join two binomial trees?
When is this a legitimate operation for binomial trees?
How do you do an add to a binomial heap?
How do you do a remove from a binomial heap?
A binomial heap has four binomial trees.
Their degrees are 0, 1, 2, and 4.
After you add an entry, how many binomial trees will the heap have?
What are the degrees of the trees?
Ch. 21 - Fibonacci Heaps
What is the primary difference between binomial heaps and Fibonacci