Homework 2
Answer the following questions about Kurose and Ross, Chapter 2.
You only need to turn in those that have a point count assigned.
What do the terms client and server mean in the context of a
peer-to-peer protocol?
That is, when is a peer called a client and when is a peer called a server?
(1 point)
When you click on the “Submit” button in a web form, either
a GET request or a POST request can be sent to the web server.
How do the two request types differ with regard to transmitting the form data?
What are three HTTP commands?
How do they differ?
(1 point)
What is the first line in a GET HTTP request for the following web page?
(1 point)
List the components of an HTTP server's response.
What network layer provides sockets?
What network layer uses sockets?
(1 point)
A web server uses two kinds of sockets.
What does each type do?
What is meant by the phrase root DNS server?
What is meant by the phrase local DNS server?
What is meant by the phrase authoritative DNS server?
What is an iterative DNS query?
What is a recursive DNS query?
(1 point)
Using DNS could lead to considerable traffic involved in determining
IP addresses.
How is this traffic reduced?
In electronic mail, what protocols are used for the following?
Between the sender's user agent and the sender's server.
Between the sender's server and the receiver's server.
Between the receiver's server and the receiver's user agent.
Give an example of each of the following types of protocols.
a push protocol
a protocol that uses out-of-band control.
a protocol that governs a distributed database.
For each of the following applications name an appropriate application
level protocol.
An acronym is sufficient.
sending mail
receiving mail
transferring web pages
file transfer
hostname to IP address translation
What is the difference between stateless and stateful
Give an example of each.
How do protocols that use out-of-band control differ from
those that use in-band control?
Give an example of each.
How do push protocols differ from pull protocols?
Give an example of each.