CS 3111 Possible Project Topics
This list is intended to be representative, not exhaustive.
- Email
- World-Wide Web
- Children and the net
- Censorship and free speech
- Identity theft in cyberspace
- Intellectual Property
- Copyright, fair use and DMCA
- Digital rights management
- Peer-to-peer networks
- Software patents
- Open source movement
- Privacy
- Data collection methods (cookies, spyware, RFIDs)
- Electronic surveillance and wiretapping
- Data mining and privacy
- Encryption
- Cyberstalking
- Security
- Viruses and worms
- Hacking vs. cracking
- Release of system vulnerability information
- Denial of service attacks
- Electronic voting
- National defense
- Computer Reliability
- Software errors and liability
- Software verification and validation
- Recreation
- Effects of gaming
- Hacking computer game hardware
- Work and Wealth
- Automation and unemployment
- Effects of globalization (outsourcing)
- Digital divide
- Artificial Intelligence/Artificial Life
- The Turing test
- Computational model of the mind
- Electronic singularity
- Cyborgs
- Nanotechnology