The main program
The main program should print an array declared as described above, call the sort subprogram, then print the array again.
For this assignment you will write a MAL subprogram sortArray
for sorting an array of integers.
In order to check the correctness of your code, you will need a test
array and you will also need to write a subprogram
to display the contents of the array.
Finally, you will write a short main program that calls the subprograms.
In this program you will get experience working with static arrays and sequential array access.
It is useful to be able to declare an array with initialized entries.
You can accomplish this by just declaring the entries individually.
For example, the following declarations declare an array
with three entries, whose values are 5, 2, and 7.
testArray: .word 5 .word 2 .word 7
After decrlaring a test array, the best place to start writing code is a
function printArray
to display an array of integers.
This function has two parameters:
The simplest way to handle addresses is to increment the array address
parameter by 4 each time through the printing loop.
Since this changes the parameter, the caller should set the parameter each
time the function is called using the la
The printArray
function should be tested before proceeding
Just add a main program that declares an array as shown above and calls
SubprogramYou can use any non-recursive algorithm for sorting. Here is one simple algorithm:
void sortArray(int A[], int entryCount) { int i; int j; int temp; for (i = entryCount - 1; i > 0; i--) { for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (A[j + 1] < A[j]) { temp = A[j]; A[j] = A[j + 1]; A[j + 1] = temp; } } } }
Whatever algorithm you use, it will save you time in the long run if you spend extra time working out the conversion to MAL.
The main program should print an array declared as described above, call the sort subprogram, then print the array again.
You should do testing incrementally.
First write the printArray
subprogram and a simplified main
program to test it.
When that is working, write the sortArray
subprogram and
modify the main program to test it.
You should try your program with array entries in various orders. Starting with the entries in reverse order gives a good test for the sort algorithm described earlier. Changing the number of entries that you sort can give you some indication of off-by-one errors.
Turn in both a copy of your program and a Mars session record. In this session, you should use a test array declared as follows:
testArray: .word 9 .word 8 .word 7 .word 4 .word 5 .word 6 .word 3 .word 2 .word 1 .word 0
Your TA may also ask you to demonstrate your program in lab.
subprogram requires sequential access to
the array.
The sortArray
subprogram requires random access.