Homework P&H Ch. 2
Answer the following questions about Patterson and Hennessy, Chapter 2.
You only need to turn in those that have a point count assigned.
(1 point)
Briefly describe the fields for each of the MIPS instruction coding
- R-type
- I-type
- J-type
(1 point)
Which instruction coding type is used for each of the following:
register arithmetic instructions
immediate operand arithmetic instructions
load and store instructions
conditional branch instructions
J and JAL instructions
JR and JALR instructions
(1 point)
What would you do with arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) in a load or
store instruction?
Suppose a processor uses special circuitry outside the ALU for all new
program counter (PC) value computations.
What would you do with the ALU in a conditional branch instruction?
(1 point)
What does a scanner (lexical analyzer) do?
How do compiler symbol tables differ from assembler symbol tables?
(1 point)
What is just-in-time (JIT) compilation?
(1 point)
What is the most important benefit of compiling into the machine
language of a virtual machine?