package graph;

 * A simple implementation of the Vertex interface.
 * @author tcolburn
public class SimpleVertex implements Vertex {

     * Constructs a simple vertex.
     * @param name The vertex name
    public SimpleVertex(String name) { = name;

    public void setDistance(int distance) {
        this.distance = distance;

    public void setOpen(boolean open) { = open;

    public void setPredecessor(Vertex predecessor) {
        this.predecessor = predecessor;

    public int getDistance() {
        return distance;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public Vertex getPredecessor() {
        return predecessor;

    public boolean isOpen() {
        return open;

     * The string representation for a simple vertex is simply its name.
     * @return The vertex name
    public String toString() {
        return name;

     * The name of this vertex
    private String name;

     * The distance of this vertex from a start vertex in a graph search.
    private int distance;

     * The predecessor vertex of this vertex in a graph search.
    private Vertex predecessor;

     * Whether this vertex is still open for the purposes of a graph search.
    private boolean open;
