This assignment has two main parts:
- You will add the 8-puzzle problem to the bridge
crossing and water
jug problems already supported by the problem solving framework
- You will modify the framework from the previous
assignment so that it automatically solves problems using
breadth-first or depth-first searching of the problem's state space
Program Behavior to the left to see how your program
should look upon completion.
You will need to thoroughly understand:
Program requirements are divided between those for the 8-puzzle
implementation and those for the automatic solving capability.
The implementation must extend the framework in a way analogous
to the bridge crossing and water jug applications:
- PuzzleState implements State
- PuzzleMove extends Move
- PuzzleProblem extends Problem
- PuzzleCanvas extends Canvas
- Incorporate into the TestFrame class
However, you can eliminate (or simplify for testing)
PuzzleState.toString method.
For this assignment, the initial state will be the following state with
a simple five-move solution:
RESET operation for the 8-puzzle problem should reset to
this state.
The framework's
GUI class must present the introduction, current
state, move buttons, and reset button as before.
In addition, the requirements for an automatic problem solver are shown
Note that you may choose to lay out and present your
GUI any way
you like, provided these requirements are met:
- The user can elect to have the program solve the problem from
any current state
- The user can choose between depth-first
or breadth-first search of the problem state space
- Upon search completion, the following statistics are presented:
- Length of the solution from the current state, if found
- Number of DEQUE operations (adds and removes) performed
during the search
- Maximum number of states stored on the DEQUE at any time
during the search
- After a solution has been found, the user can:
- Click through the found solution one move at a time, or
- Observe all moves in the solution without interaction
Before you start, use NetBeans to copy your
project from the previous assignment to a new NetBeans project
CS_2511_Solve (right click the project node in
Projects window and select
In this section we give suggestions on how to implement the 8-puzzle and
the automatic solver.
- Create a puzzle package under Source Packages in your
CS_2511_Framework_Graphics NetBeans project for your
8-puzzle classes
- Decide on a state representation
- Don't need elaborate toString method
- You are encouraged, though it is not required, to write test
classes for:
- PuzzleState: to test the equals method
- PuzzleMove: to test the doMove method
- PuzzleProblem: to test the success method
- Can implement a quick-and-dirty PuzzleCanvas by simply
using Graphics2D.drawString to draw tile numbers on the
component, then spend time beautifying the presentation later
- When your 8-puzzle implementation works, add it to the tabbed
pane in TestFrame
expand and
search algorithms work on state space
search tree vertices:
children = {}
for each move ∈ moves do
child = move.doMove(u)
if child ≠ null and
not OccursOnPath(child, u)
then d[child] = d[u] + 1
pred[child] = u
add child to children
return children
d[s] = 0
pred[s] = null
DEQ = {s}
while DEQ ≠ {} do
u = Remove[DEQ]
if success
then return u
for each v ∈ Expand(u) do
return null
graph package defines the types required by these
SimpleVertex, and
Install this package under
Source Packages in your
CS_2511_Framework_Graphics NetBeans project:
In order for
State objects to act like graph vertices, state
classes must extend the
SimpleVertex class.
For example:
package puzzle;
import framework.State;
import graph.SimpleVertex;
public class PuzzleState extends SimpleVertex implements State { ... }
Also for
BridgeState and
This part requires thorough understanding of
Graph Search Implementation and
State Space Search.
- Implement and test the expand algorithm —
this was done in the
lab exercise on state space search
- See the testExpand1 and testExpand2 methods in
the ProblemTest class to the left
- Implement and test the search algorithm
- Put the search method in the Problem class
along with expand
- Use a LinkedList which implements the Deque
- See the testSearch1 and testSearch2 methods in
the ProblemTest class to the left
- Suggestion: when the final state is found, create an empty
stack, push the final state, then follow predecessor links to
the root, pushing states along the way. When the user wants to
see the solution, this stack can be popped.
- Decide on a GUI layout for the added solving capability
- Create and add the needed GUI components
- Add component listeners where appropriate
In order to compute the required
DEQ statistics:
- Initialize counters for queueOps, queueSize,
and maxQueueSize before the search
- Increment queueOps each time DEQ is added to or removed from
- Decrement queueSize each time DEQ is removed from
- Increment queueSize each time DEQ is added to, and set maxQueueSize to
max(queueSize, maxQueueSize)
- Display queueOps and maxQueueSize in the GUI upon search completion.
To test your
expand and
search algorithms, install the
JUnit test class shown below.
To add it to your NetBeans project:
- Right-click your framework's Problem class, choose Tools,
and then Create JUnit Tests
- Replace the generated code with that shown below
- To download:
When your program is working correctly you will submit your entire Netbeans
project, but first:
- To double-check that everything is in order, click Build on
the menu bar and select Clean and Build Main Project.
- Run the framework.test.TestFrame class to be sure all
three problems work.
Outside of NetBeans, zip your project folder as
Email the zip file to your TA.
- Manual 8-puzzle: 15 points
- Automatic solving for all problems: 15 points