This lab exercise will familiarize you with creating Swing GUI components and giving them behavior through listeners.

Here is a zipped NetBeans project to get you started:

Unzip the file and open the resulting CS_2511_Listeners project in NetBeans.

When you complete this exercise, you will have an application that behaves like that below.

Try clicking the button and moving the slider knob:

Your job is to match the behavior and appearance of these components.

You will complete the listeners.Listeners class shown below.

This section lists the steps you should take to accomplish this.

Verify that you've correctly opened the NetBeans project by running the file.

You should get an empty frame that looks like:

Add a button to the frame so that running produces:

  • Use the setPreferredSize method that JButton inherits from JComponent to make the button 100 pixels wide and 50 pixels high
  • Use the setFont method that JButton inherits from JComponent to render the button's text in a bold, sans serif type with a size of 20 points
  • Use the setBackground method that JButton inherits from JComponent to give the button a red background color
Add an action listener to the button so that when clicked, the button toggles its color and label:
  • Use the setText method that JButton inherits from javax.swing.AbstractButton to change the button's label.
Add a slider to the frame so that running produces:

  • Use the JSlider constructor with no arguments to obtain a slider whose value ranges from 0 to 100.
Add a label to the frame so that running produces:

  • Use JLabel's setText method to set the label's text to the value of the slider:
    • Use JSlider's getValue method to get the slider's initial value, which is 50
  • Use the setPreferredSize method that JLabel inherits from JComponent to make the label 60 pixels wide and 50 pixels high
  • Use the setFont method that JLabel inherits from JComponent to render the button's text in a bold, sans serif type with a size of 20 points
  • Use the setForeground method that JLabel inherits from JComponent to give the label a blue foreground color
  • Use the setBorder method that JLabel inherits from JComponent to give the label a titled border:
    • Use the javax.swing.border.TitledBorder class to create a titled border
Add a change listener to the slider so that when it is moved, the label displays the slider's value:
  • See the javax.swing.event.ChangeListener interface
  • The listener can set the text of the label the same way it was set upon construction
  • Use JSlider's addChangeListener method to add the listener
When finished, zip your project folder as

Email the zip file to your TA.

  • Correct button appearance and behavior: 4 points
  • Correct slider and label appearance and behavior: 6 points