In this lab you will add the Bridge Crossing Problem, which you first implemented in Java in Assignment 1, to the JavaScript implementation of the Farmer, Wolf, Goat, Cabbage and Water Jug problems developed in the JavaScript Lecture Notes.

When finished, the main solve.html page should render as below, with the user able to solve the bridge problem.

If you originally installed the Java SE NetBeans bundle you may not have the module required for JavaScript development.

To find out, click File and select New Project... If the dialog does not show HTML5 or HTML/JavaScript under Categories, you will need to install the HTML5 plugin:

Here is a zipped folder to use for this lab:

Unzip this file and place the resulting solve folder in a location where you will create a NetBeans project.

In NetBeans,

When finished, you should have a CS 2511 JavaScript project with a Site Root folder containing subfolders js and test, and a solve.html file.

On the NetBeans tool bar, select your desired browser (ignore browsers with "NetBeans integration").

Right click solve.html and select Run File. You will be brought to a browser web page like this.

Here is the top-level solve.html, described in detail in the JavaScript Lecture Notes:

The js folder contains all the JavaScript files, including the subfolders farmer, waterjug, and bridge, and the top-level solve.js file, shown below.

All JavaScript files are described in the JavaScript Lecture Notes.

These files are complete and define objects for the Farmer, Wolf, Goat, and Cabbage problem.
These files are complete and define objects for the Water Jug problem.
These files need to be written by you and will define objects for the Bridge Crossing problem.

The test pages are provided for you.

The test folder contains a bridge subfolder with HTML files for testing your BridgeState.js and BridgeMove.js files.

These files use the following assert function:

assert is intended to be called like this:

    assert(assertion string);
where assertion string represents code that should return a boolean value (e.g. assert("a < b");).

The code is evaluated, and if the result is not true an alert is displayed.

When you are ready to test your BridgeState.js file, you can view StateTest.html, shown below, in your browser.

The test assumes that you have defined your BridgeState constructor function with the same parameter order as in Assignment 1.

A successful test will first display the start state, then the state with P1 and P2 crossed, and no assertion errors.

Note that the alert dialog will not correctly format the string depicting the state:

This is because alert does not use a monospace font, and it will be corrected when the string is displayed in a web page's textarea element.

When you are ready to test your BridgeMove.js file, you can view MoveTest.html, shown below, in your browser.

The test assumes that you have defined these variables:

A successful test will display all the states in a solution and no assertion errors.

  1. Write BridgeState.js, using FarmerState.js and WaterJugState.js as models
  2. Test BridgeState.js by viewing StateTest.html in your browser
  3. Write BridgeMove.js, using FarmerMove.js and WaterJugMove.js as models
  4. Test BridgeMove.js by viewing MoveTest.html in your browser
  5. Write BridgeProblem.js, using FarmerProblem.js and WaterJugProblem.js as models
  6. Modify solve.js so that a new BridgeProblem object is added to the problems array
  7. Add script elements to solve.html so that the bridge crossing JavaScript files are loaded
  8. Test the whole program by viewing solve.html in your browser
When finished, zip your project folder as

Email the zip file to your TA.

Successful implementation of: