UML Diagrams
Class Diagrams
- Review class relationships:
- Dependency
- Aggregation, including multiplicities
- Inheritance
- How class relationships are depicted in UML
- How UML class relationships translate (generally) into Java code
- How to get, install, and run Violet
- Operations in Violet:
- Create class icon
- Indicating class methods and attributes
- Drawing class relationships
- Customizing graph edges through the bentStyle property (HV,
VH, etc.)
- Violet example showing various class relationships and bentStyles
Sequence Diagrams
- The difference between class and sequence diagrams:
- Class diagrams: static, about classes
- Sequence diagrams: dynamic, about objects
- The relationship of use cases and sequence diagrams
- How objects (as opposed to classes) are depicted in UML
- Aspects of a sequence diagram:
- Objects
- Lifelines
- Activation bars
- Call arrows and method names
- Operations in Violet:
- Creating an object icon
- Adding an activation bar
- Making self-calls
- Drawing and labeling a call arrow between objects
- Modeling the construction of a new object with
the «create» stereotype
- An example showing code and how a sequence diagram models it.