Language Translation

Language translation is a common aspect of many application programs. It is the primary function of both assemblers and compilers. In addition, many programs use languages for representing data that has a complex structure. For example, web servers and browsers use HTML and XML for representing document structures and many graphics display programs use a language such as PostScript to represent the structure of a graphical information. Word processors use a document markup language for representing the structure of a styled textual document.

Although programs use an internal binary form for representing information structures, they need to convert the information to a form suitable for network transfer or file storage. Language translation is needed to rebuild the internal structures from files or from network messages.

In its many different forms, language translation software often uses similar low-level components. The higher-level components perfom a task called parsing. Parsing builds an internal representation of the structured information. This internal representation can be traversed in many ways to perform the various tasks needed by an application.

Low-Level Components

Language translation usually involves two low-level components.


For languages with a textual form, a scanner (or lexical analyzer) is needed. It groups characters into tokens, which are low-level units of meaning in the source code. Tokens are similar to words and punctuation marks in natural languages.

A scanner typically provides an iterator interface for use by the parser. The interface has an implicit current position in the source code text, which is either at a token or beyond the end of the text. It provides operations for

Scanners will often omit the first operation. Instead, they return a special end token for the token at the current position when the current position is beyond the end of the text. For some languages the scanner may also need to be able to retrieve tokens beyond the current position without advancing. This is called look ahead.

Symbol Tables

A symbol table is used to record information about identifiers, one of the types of tokens in the source code. Identifiers are use for naming variables, types, and subprograms so the symbol tables must be capable of recording different kinds of information. The symbol tables must be structured to reflect the different kinds of name scopes in the language.

Block Scopes

Many high-level languages have some form of block structuring which determines a variety of nested scopes for the identifiers. Since the meaning of an identifier can depend on the scope, symbol tables usually organized as a stack of simple tables. The simple tables are pushed onto the stack when parsing enters a new scope and popped when parsing leaves a scope. When information about an identifier is needed, the simple tables are scanned from top to bottom for entries about the identifier. The first entry encountered is the one that used. In short, a Chain of Responsibility design pattern is used, with the chaining following the nesting.


There are scopes associated with each type in an object-oriented program in a typed, class-based OOL. In the following Java code example, there is a scope for the System class, in which the member out is declared. Since out is declared to have type PrintStream, there is another scope for the PrintStream type. The println() method is defined in this last scope.

      System.out.println("Hello, world!");

A compiler uses a symbol table for each of these type scopes. There is a type table that contains all of these symbol tables as entries. The entries are keyed by the type name.


Modern language translators often build an internal structural representation of information. This representation is called a parse tree. It is a tree structure in which the children of each node are governed by a syntax rule.

To understand parse trees, we need to look first at some grammar definitions. We will look at definitions for expressions similar to those in C, C++, and Java. These definitions could also be used in a program for evaluating mathematical expressions.

Numeric Expressions

In the following syntax definitions the color red indicates a token type and the color blue indicates a nonterminal type.


In the following syntax definitions the color red indicates a token type and the color blue indicates a nonterminal type. These definitions are far from complete.

Parse Trees

Parse Tree for a A Simple Expression

A parse tree is a structural representation of a particular source text as interpreted in a specific grammar. It has node types for each type of grammar component in the language. Each subtree corresponds to a structural component of the source code. There are two general types of nodes.

The diagram to the left shows a simple parse tree for the simple expression x*y. Leaves (tokens) are shown in red and interior nodes are shown in blue.

Parse Tree Construction

Construction of parse tree nodes in the numeric expressions grammar are shown along with diagrams showing typical partial parse trees. In this example, there is a Java class for each type of parse tree node. The constructor for a class just builds one node, invoking other constructors to get its children. Each constructor has a scanner parameter. The constructor has the side-effect of advancing the position of the scanner past the text used to construct the node.

Node constructors usually interpret grammar rules in a greedy way. They consume as much text as possible consistent with their grammar rules.

Constructing Expression Nodes

An expression is a sequence of one or more terms separated by + and - operators

  public Expression(Scanner scanner) {
    Term term = new Term(scanner);
    Token operator = scanner.getToken();
    String type = operator.getType();
    while (type.equals("+") || type.equals("-")) {
      term = new Term(scanner);
      operator = scanner.getToken();
      type = operator.getType();

Constructing Term Nodes

A term is a sequence of one or more factors separated by *, /, and % operators

  public Term(Scanner scanner) {
    Factor factor = new Factor(scanner);
    Token operator = scanner.getToken();
    String type = operator.getType();
    while (type.equals("*") || type.equals("/") || type.equals("%")) {
      factor = new Factor(scanner);
      operator = scanner.getToken();
      type = operator.getType();

Constructing Factor Nodes

Some Typical Factors

A factor is a one of the following:

  public Factor(Scanner scanner) {
    Token firstToken = scanner.getToken();
    String firstType = firstToken.getType();
    if (firstType.equals("identifier")) {
      addChild(new IdentifierExpression(scanner));
    } else if (firstType.equals("numeric-literal")) {
    } else if (firstType.equals("(")) {
      addChild(new Expression(scanner));
      Token lastToken = scanner.getToken();
      String lastType = lastToken.getType();
      if (lastType.equals(")")) {
      } else {
        // handle error
    } else {
      // handle error

Constructing IdentifierExpression Nodes

A identifier-expression is an identifier followed by an optional parameters

  public IdentifierExpression(Scanner scanner) {
    Token identifier = scanner.getToken();
    Token nextToken = scanner.getToken();
    String nextType = nextToken.getType();
    if (nextType.equals("(")) {
      addChild(new ParameterList(scanner));

Constructing Parameters Nodes

A parameters is a parameter-list enclosed by ( and )

  public Parameters(Scanner scanner) {
    Token lparens = scanner.getToken();
    addChild(new ParameterList(scanner));
    Token rparens = scanner.getToken();
    String nextType = rparens.getType();
    if (nextType.equals(")")) {
    } else {
      // handle error

Constructing ParameterList Nodes

A parameter-list is a sequence of zero or more expressions separated by ,s

  public ParameterList(Scanner scanner) {
    Token nextToken = scanner.getToken();
    String nextType = nextToken.getType();
    if (nextType.equals(")")) {
    addChild(new Expression(scanner));
    nextToken = scanner.getToken();
    nextType = nextToken.getType();
    while (nextType.equals(",")) {
      addChild(new Expression(scanner));
      nextToken = scanner.getToken();
      nextType = nextToken.getType();