1. For best results always work out the additional suggested problems first. Once you have worked these out you can check the solutions to make sure you completely understand the concepts and problems.

2. For each problem the following should be included:

  • A sketch of the physical situation. Many times the sketch will be a graph.
  • Knowns and unknowns.
  • The fundamental formulas from which the calculation begins.
  • Intermediate algebra steps (only variables - no numbers yet). Many times what you are doing here is rearranging an equation to find your unknown.
  • Substitution of numerical values (including units) at the end of the problem.
  • Correct units and significant figures on your answers.

3. It is expected that collected problems will have to be worked out on scratch paper and then a final presentation of the solution made on a separate piece of paper (you do not need to turn in your scratch paper). Solutions should be in a straightforward, logical sequence and should be neat.

4. Collected problems should have your name written neatly (if you can't do this include the last 4 digits of your ID #) in the upper right hand corner of both the front and back of the paper.

5. Reminder, late assignments will not be accepted. Assignments are due at the beginning of each class period in the front of the classroom.

6. A note on grading: you are not graded on your answer, you are graded on your solution. For example, if there is no sketch, you can expect no better than an 8 out of 10 on your assignment.


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