#1. An 8.0 g bullet is fired into a 2.5 kg ballistic pendulum and becomes embedded in it. If the pendulum rises a vertical distance of 6.0 cm, calculate the initial speed of the bullet.

#2. A billiard ball moving at 5.00 m/s strikes a stationary ball of the same mass. After the collision, the first ball moves at 4.33 m/s at an angle of 30.0o with respect to the original line of motion. Find the velocity of the second ball after the collision.

#3. A 0.150 kg glider is moving to the right on a frictionless, horizontal air track with a speed of 0.80 m/s. It has a head-on collision with a 0.300kg glider that is moving to the left with a speed of 2.20 m/s. Find the final velocity (magnitude and direction) of each glider if the collision is elastic.

#4. A 150 kg merry-go-round in the shape of a uniform, solid horizontal disk of radius 1.50 m is set in motion by wrapping a rope about the rim of the disk and pulling on the rope. What constant force would have to be exerted on the rope to bring the merry-go-round from rest to an angular speed of 0.500 rev/s in 2.00s?

#5. A sphere with a radius of 15 cm rolls on a level surface with a constant angular speed of 10.0 rad/s. To what height on a 30.0o inclined plane will the sphere roll before coming to rest?

#6. #86, page 304

#7. A uniform plank of length 2.00 m and mass 30.0 kg is supported by three ropes, as indicated below. Find the tension in each rope when a 700.0 N person is 0.500 m from the left end.





#1. 339 m/s

#2. 25 m/s, 60o

#3. -3.20 m/s, -.200 m/s

#4. 177 N

#5. .16 m

#6. -24t2 m/s k, -48 t m/s2 k

#7. T1 = 501 N, T2 = 672 N, T3 = 384 N