The points of the Poincaré disk model are interior points
of a bounding circle in the Euclidean plane.
Hyperbolic lines are represented by diameters and circular arcs
that are orthogonal to the bounding circle [Greenberg].
The Poincaré disk model is attractive to artists because
it is conformal (angles have their Euclidean measure) and it
is displayed in a bounded region of the Euclidean plane, so that
it can be viewed in its entirety.
Escher was able to reconstruct the circular arcs in Coxeter's
figure and then use them to create his first circle limit pattern,
Circle Limit I, which he included with his letter to Coxeter.
Figure 2 shows a rough computer rendition of the
Circle Limit I design.
Coxeter's reprint shows
Escher's markings on the reprint that Coxeter sent to him shows
that the artist had found the centers of some
of the circular arcs and drew lines through collinear centers
The center of an orthogonal circular arc is external to the disk
and is called its pole.
The locus of all poles of arcs through a point in the disk is a line
called the polar of that point [Goodman-Strauss].
The external dots in Figure 1 are the poles of the larger arcs, and
the external line segments connecting them are parts of polars of the
points of intersection of those arcs.
The external web of poles and polar segments is sometimes called the
scaffolding for the tessellation.
The fact that the polars are lines can be used to speed up the
straightedge and compass construction of triangle tessellations.
For example, given two points in the disk, the center of the
orthogonal arc through them is the intersection of their polars.
Coxeter explained the basics of these techniques
in his return letter to Escher [Roosevelt], although by that time Escher
had figured out most of this, as evidenced by Circle Limit I.
Like Escher, mathematicians have traditionally drawn triangle
tessellations in the Poincaré disk model using straightedge and
compass techniques, occasionally showing the scaffolding.
This technique was something of a geometric "folk art" until the recent
paper by Chaim Goodman-Strauss [Goodman-Strauss], in which the construction
methods were finally written down.
For positive integers p and q,
with 1/p + 1/q < 1/2,
there exist tessellations of the hyperbolic plane by
right triangles with acute angles pi/p and pi/q.
A regular p-sided polygon, or p-gon,
can be formed from the 2p
triangles about each
p-fold rotation point
in the tessellation.
These p-gons form the regular tessellation {p,q} by
p-sided polygons with q of them meeting at each vertex.
Figure 3 below shows the tessellation {6,4} (with a central group
of fish on top of it).
As can be seen, Escher essentially used the {6,4} tessellation in
Circle Limit I.
Goodman-Strauss constructs the tessellation {p,q} in two steps.
The first step is to construct the central p-gon. To do this,
he starts by constructing a regular Euclidean p-sided polygon
P with center O that forms the outer edges of the scaffolding.
Then he constructs the hyperbolic right triangle with a vertex angle of
pi/p at O and its hypotenuse along a radius of P from
O to one of the vertices A of P.
The side of the right triangle through O is part of a
perpendicular bisector of an edge of P containing A.
The vertices of the entire central p-gon can then be constructed by
successive (Euclidean) reflections across the radii and perpendicular bisectors
of edges of P.
The second step is to construct all the other p-gons of the tessellation.
This could be done by first inverting all the vertices in the circular
arcs that form the sides of the central p-gon, forming new p-gons,
and then inverting vertices in the sides of the new p-gons iteratively
as many times as desired. But Goodman-Strauss describes a more efficient
alternative method using facts about the geometry of circles.
Moreover, I wanted the replication algorithm to build the pattern outward
evenly in "layers", so that there would be no jagged edges.
At that time, my colleague Joe Gallian had some undergraduate research
students who were working on finding Hamiltonian paths in the Cayley
graphs of finite groups [Gallian].
I thought that their techniques could also be applied to
the infinite symmetry groups of Escher's Circle Limit designs.
This turned out to be the case, although we found the desired paths
in two steps.
The first step involved finding a Hamiltonian path in the Cayley graph
of symmetry group of the tessellation {p,q}.
This was done by David Witte, one of Gallian's research students.
John Lindgren, a University of Minnesota Duluth student,
implemented the computer algorithm, with me translating
Witte's path into pseudo-FORTRAN [Dunham1].
The Cayley graph of a group G with a set of generators
S is defined as follows: the vertices are just the elements of
G, and there is an edge from x to y if
y = sx for some s in S.
Technically, this defines a directed graph, but in our constructions,
the inverse of every element of S will also be in S, so
for simplicity, we may assume that our Cayley graphs are undirected.
As an example, the symmetry group of the tessellation {p,q}
is denoted [p,q].
That symmetry group
is the same as that of the tessellation by right triangles with
angles pi/p and pi/q.
The standard set of generators for the group [p,q] is {P,Q,R},
where P, Q, and R are reflections across the triangle sides
opposite the angles pi/p, pi/q, and pi/2, respectively,
in one such triangle.
There can be one-way or two-way Hamiltonian paths
in the Cayley graphs of symmetry groups of hyperbolic patterns
However, one-way paths are sufficient for our algorithms, so
in this article "Hamiltonian path"
will always denote a one-way Hamiltonian path.
There is a useful visual representation for the Cayley graphs of the
groups [p,q], and thus for their Hamiltonian paths.
A fundamental region for the tessellation {p,q} is a triangle
that when acted on by the symmetry group [p,q] has that tessellation
as its orbit.
This fundamental region can be taken to be a right
triangle lying on the horizontal diameter to the right of center,
with its pi/p vertex at the center of the disk.
This triangle is labeled by the identity of [p,q].
Each triangle of the tessellation is then labeled by the group
element that transforms the fundamental region to that triangle.
Thus each triangle represents a group element.
To represent an edge in the Cayley graph,
we draw a line segment connecting the centers of any two triangles sharing
a side.
Thus, there are three line segments out of each triangle, each
representing the reflection across one side.
Figure 3 shows a Hamiltonian path in the Cayley graph of the
group [6,4] with the standard set of generators.
The heavy line segments, both solid and dashed, represent the Cayley graph;
the light lines show the triangle tessellation.
The Hamiltonian path consists of the solid line segments.
Essentially the same path works for [p,q] in general,
though slight "detours" must be taken if p = 3 or q = 3
The second step then consisted of finding Hamiltonian paths in
"Cayley coset graphs".
Conceptually, we form the cosets of a symmetry group
by the stabilizer H of its super-motif.
Then, by analogy with ordinary Cayley graphs, we define the vertices
to be the cosets, and say that
there is an edge from xH to yH if
sxH = yH for some s in S.
Again, there is a useful visual representation for these coset graphs.
The vertices correspond to the p-gons in the
tessellation {p,q}.
The central p-gon is labeled by H, and any other p-gon is
labeled by xH, where x is any element of the symmetry
group that maps the central p-gon to the other p-gon.
In this case, the generating set S is composed of words in
the generators of the symmetry group.
For each side of the central p-gon, there is at least one word
that maps the central p-gon across that side.
Much as before, we represent edges of the graph as line segments
between the centers of the p-gons.
Figures 5 and 6 show the coset graph of a subgroup of [6,4].
Again, the graph edges are the heavy lines, either solid or dashed,
and the light lines show the {6,4} tessellation.
The solid graph edges in Figure 5 show a Hamiltonian path.
One shortcoming of this method is that the Hamiltonian path
must be stored in computer memory.
This is not a serious problem, since the path can be encoded by
small integers.
That method essentially works by forming ever longer words in the
generators from the edges of the Hamiltonian path.
The transformations were represented by real matrices,
which led to roundoff error after too many
of them had been multiplied
together to form the current transformation matrix.
This was a more serious problem.
Both problems were cured by using recursion.
What was required was to find a "Hamiltonian tree" — or more
accurately, a spanning tree — in the coset graph.
The tree is traversed on the fly by recursively transforming
across certain sides of the current p-gon.
Those sides are determined by fairly simple combinatorics
[Dunham2] (there is an error in the recursive algorithm in [Dunham1]).
With this method, the path from the root (central p-gon) to
the current p-gon is stored automatically in the recursion stack.
Also, the recursion depth never gets deeper than a few dozen, so
there is no noticeable roundoff error from multiplying transformations.
The solid graph edges in Figure 6 show a spanning tree in the coset
graph of [6,4].
Other researchers have used different methods to generate a set of words
in the generators of hyperbolic symmetry groups in order to replicate
repeating hyperbolic designs.
One method is to keep track of the transformations generated so far
and iteratively add new transformations by multiplying all the
previous transformations by the group generators, discarding duplicates.
Then the desired pattern is generated by applying the final set of
transformations to the motif.
The techniques of automatic groups have been used to efficiently generate
non-redundant sets of words.
Silvio Levy has used this technique to create a computer rendition of
Escher's Circle Limit III [Levy].
Like many mathematicians, I was immediately enthralled by M. C. Escher's
intriguing designs when I first saw them, more than 30 years ago.
Several years later when I became involved with computer graphics,
that medium seemed like an obvious one to use to produce Escher-like designs.
When discussing the symmetry groups of Escher's hyperbolic patterns with
Joe Gallian, it occurred to me that Hamiltonian paths could be used as
a basis for an algorithm to generate such patterns.
At this point everything had come together and I could not resist the
temptation to regenerate Escher's hyperbolic patterns with a graphics
program. As described above, the students and I achieved this goal.
Having gone to the trouble of implementing a hyperbolic pattern program,
I could not resist the further temptation of creating more hyperbolic patterns.
I found inspiration in Escher's Euclidean repeating patterns.
In constructing my patterns, I noticed myself paying attention to aesthetic
issues such as shape and color.
More of these hyperbolic designs can be seen in my
chapter in the recent book Escher's Legacy [Schattschneider2].
When designing these patterns, I think of myself as working
in the intersection of
interesting mathematics, clever algorithms, and pleasing art.
[Coxeter1] Coxeter, H. S. M., "Crystal symmetry and its generalizations",
Royal Society of Canada (3) 51 (1957), 1-13.
[Coxeter2] Coxeter, H. S. M., "The non-Euclidean symmetry of Escher's
Picture `Circle Limit III'", Leonardo 12 (1979), 19-25, 32.
[Bool] Bool, F.H., Kist, J.R., Locher, J.L., and Wierda, F., editors,
M. C. Escher, His life and Complete
Graphic Work, Harry N. Abrahms, Inc., New York, 1982.
ISBN 0-8109-0858-1
[Dunham1] Dunham, D., J. Lindgren, and D. Witte,
"Creating repeating hyperbolic patterns",
Computer Graphics,
15 (1981), no. 3, 79-85.
[Dunham2] Dunham, D., "Hyperbolic symmetry",
Computers and Mathematics with Applications,
Part B 12 (1986), no. 1-2, 139-153.
[Dunham3] Dunham, D., D. Jungreis, D. Witte,
Infinite Hamiltonian paths in Cayley digraphs of hyperbolic symmetry groups,
Discrete Mathematics, 143, 1995, 1-30.
[Gallian] Gallian, J., On-line bibliography of
the Duluth Summer Research Programs supervised by Joseph Gallian,
[Goodman-Strauss] Goodman-Strauss, Chaim, "Compass and straightedge in the
Poincaré disk",
Amer. Math. Monthly, 108 (2001), no. 1, 38-49.
[Greenberg] Greenberg, Marvin, Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries,
3rd Edition, W. H. Freeman and Co., 1993. ISBN 0-7167-2446-4
[Levy] Levy, Silvio,. Escher Fish, at:
[Roosevelt] The letter of December 29, 1958 from H. S. M. Coxeter to
M. C. Escher, from the Roosevelt collection of Escher's works at
The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C.
[Schattschneider1] Schattschneider, Doris, A picture of
M. C. Escher's marked reprint of Coxeter's paper [1],
private communication.
[Schattschneider2] Schattschneider, Doris, and Michele Emmer, editors,
M. C. Escher's Legacy: A Centennial Celebration,
Springer Verlag, 2003. ISBN 3-540-42458-X
Our First Method
In 1980 I decided to try to use computer graphics to
recreate the designs in each of Escher's four
Circle Limit prints
(catalog numbers 429, 432, 434, and 436 in [Bool]).
The main challenge seemed to be finding a replication algorithm that would
draw each copy of a motif exactly once.
There were two reasons for this.
First, we were using pen-plotter technology then, so multiple redrawings
of the same motif could tear through the paper.
Efficiency was a second reason - the number of motifs
increases exponentially from the center, and inefficient algorithms
might produce an exponential number of duplications.
Better Methods
A natural second step would have been to find Hamiltonian paths in
the Cayley graphs of the symmetry groups of Escher's Circle Limit
designs, which seemed possible since those symmetry groups were all
subgroups of either [6,4] or [8,3].
However, we took a slightly bigger step instead, which also works for
any symmetry group that is a subgroup of [p,q].
We first built up a super-motif (called the p-gon pattern
in [Dunham1])
consisting of all the motifs adjacent to the center of the disk.
The super-motif for the Circle Limit I design is shown in
Figure 4, superimposed on top of the {6,4} tessellation.
I would like to thank Doris Schattschneider for her considerable help,
especially with the history of Escher and Coxeter's correspondence.
I would also like to thank Abhijit Parsekar for help with the
Page URL: http://www.d.umn.edu
Page Author: Doug Dunham
Last Modified: Thursday, 06-Feb-2003 15:53:10 CST
Comments to: ddunham@d.umn.edu