Rate the degree of your experience and skills in the following areas. (1 is no experience or skill, 5 is very experienced for a non-professional):
After this class:
2. Photoshop or other image-editing software
3. General computer functions such as Windows or Mac operating systems; managing folders, disks; saving and moving files
4. Posting HTML and image files to the Web, managing files on a server to maintain functioning Web sites
5. Rate the degree of your experience at working in creative teams, communities, or workshops of writers/designers to complete and/or evaluate projects. (1 is no experience, 5 is very experienced for a non-professional):
Rate your understanding of and confidence in applying the following principles to the creation and analysis of Web sites. (1 is no experience or confidence, 5 is very experienced or confident):
6. usability
7. screen real estate
8. visual design of online pages (visual hierarchy, etc.)
9. content design (formatting and combining text and images for the screen)
10. site design (hypertext chunking, writing menus, link functions, unity)