Multiple Choice Quiz:
Molly Bang's Picture This

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1. Bang says smooth, flat, horizontal shapes give us a visual sense of:

centered attention
bad design
none of these

2. Bang says diagonal shapes suggest...
motion or tension
none of these

3. If you want the viewer to associate two objects, which is more effective, according to Bang:
to make the objects the same shape
to make the objects the same color

4. Bang recalls a Jack London story in which a man dying on the icy tundra sees a wolf. As part of that example, Bang says that "space implies " (fill in the blank).

5. According to Bang, placing an object in the bottom half of the picture makes it feel all of the following ways but one. Which is not an effect of such placement?
more dynamic
more grounded

All course materials by Craig Stroupe unless noted otherwise. See my home page.