A Design-Scheme Mockup from
a "Memory of Earth"
Form a Group
Working in groups of three or four, create a design-scheme mockup for a character home page, based on one of the two characters who tell their stories in the excerpt from the novel Generation X (see the handout "Remember Earth Clearly").
Technical Guidelines for this Exercise
This scheme should be created in Photoshop in the form of a collage or scrapbook-like-page. Begin by opening a new document in Photoshop and making it
- 900 pixels wide and
- 650 pixels tall
Not a Page Design but a Palette of Design Materials
Think of this image as a kind of palette of materials that might later be turned into a finished design, but for now serves as a single repository for gathering and beginning to arrange the elements of such a design. This arrangement should begin to suggest the design's
- tone,
- themes,
- visual and verbal elements,
The design may look like a page of elements, or like an imaginary scene of elements, or something in between.
This palette should include the following elements
The Design-Scheme Mockup
The design scheme should consist of
- a background color, texture, or image that sets the mood and tone (see, for instance, this example of dark design)
- at least three words that describe or express the intended tone/theme of the design (words from the passage or your own) rendered in particular font(s), color(s), size(s), arrangement. These words suggest the kinds of words you'd be sure to use in the headers, texts, and links on the finished page.
- at least two visual images, in addition to any used for the background, that express the intended tone/theme.
This mockup should be saved as a .jpg, posted to the web (in someone's "www" folder in a sub-folder "4230/exercises/memory").
Send the URL in a message to the Moodle forum "Design Schemes from Memories of Earth" along with the names of all in your group.