Sharpening Topics/Angles for the Glocalization Project
- Open the following list of this semester's proposed topics/angles.
- As you read over the list of ideas, imagine you are someone living in Phoenix, Arizona (or wherever) who will never leave Phoenix except via the Web, visiting a Web site created around each of these topics/angles.
- Into the "Glocal" column, copy and paste the site topics/angles that someone might find compelling, interesting, and relevant in the "Truly Glocal" column (assuming that they shared an extra-local interest or passion with the site and its creator).
- Into the "Local Only" column, copy and paste the site topics/angles that would exclude you because they seem tailored to a local visitor interests.
- Into the "Global Only" column, copy and paste the site topics/angles that might interest you in a general way but not necessarily enable you to experience or learn about a distant locale from Phoenix (Duluth, Beaners, Ely, etc.).
- In the "Not Geographic" column, copy and paste the items that seem neither local or global.
- Reconsider your choices, especially in the "Only" and "Not" columns. If you shared a certain interest, taste, passion, enthusiasm with the creator of the site, could you imagine moving any topics/angles to the "Truly Glocal" column.
- (In parentheses, type in what that special interest, taste, passions, enthusiasm would need to be for that item to stay in the "Truly Glocal" column.)
- What if you changed the wording of the item to re-focus the angle, or took just one of several possible angles. (Indicate such changed wording in items on your list with bold.)
- Move those items that you added parenthetical insights or bolded revisions if your improvements make them genuinely glocal