Carlos Carranza-Torres, Ph.D., P.E.
Professor of Geotechnical Engineering.
Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Minnesota, Duluth Campus.
260 Swenson Civil Engineering,
1405 University Drive,
Duluth, MN 55812,
Minnesota, USA.
Phone: (218) 726-6460
E-mail: carranza@d.umn.edu
Link to Dr. Carranza-Torres' Web Page
Click on the name of the files at the end of the reference to download the manuscript (as a PDF file) and the EXCEL file that accompanies the manuscript.
- Carranza-Torres C. and E. Hormazabal (2018) “Computational tools for the determination of factor of safety and location of the critical failure surface for slopes in Mohr-Coulomb dry ground”. Proceedings of the International Symposium Slope Stability 2018. April 11-13. Sevilla, Spain. (Pre-Print Version of the Manuscript: [2018]_CCT_&_EH_[Slopes_MC_Ground-Sevilla-conference].pdf. EXCEL File: Stability_Calculator_SLOPE18.zip)