Carlos Carranza-Torres, Ph.D., P.E.
Professor of Geotechnical Engineering.
Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Minnesota, Duluth Campus.
260 Swenson Civil Engineering,
1405 University Drive,
Duluth, MN 55812,
Minnesota, USA.
Phone: (218) 726-6460
E-mail: carranza@d.umn.edu
Link to Google Scholar Web Page
Link to Department Web Page

Research Interests
Analytical and Numerical Modeling in Geotechnical Engineering. Design of Underground and Surface Excavations. Engineering Geology. Rock Mechanics. Geotechnical Engineering.
Academic Positions
- Professor of Geotechnical Engineering. University of Minnesota, Duluth Campus (UMD). Since 2018.
- Associate Professor of Geotechnical Engineering. University of Minnesota, Duluth Campus (UMD). 2008-2018.
- Teaching Specialist of Rock Mechanics (2005-2008). Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus.
Courses Taught
- CE2016 Mechanics of Materials.
- CE2020 Computational Tools for Civil Engineers.
- CE2425 Geologic Principles for Civil Engineers.
- CE3425 Engineering Geology.
- CE3425 Soil Mechanics.
- CE4415 Geotechnical Design (Foundation Engineering).
- CE4422/5422 Numerical Modeling in Geotechnical Engineering.
- CE4426/5426 Rock Mechanics.
- CE4436/5436 Design of Underground and Surface Excavations in Rock.
- CE4995 Principles of Mining Engineering and Mine Design.
- ME5335 Introduction to Finite Element Method Analysis.
Industry Experience
- Geotechnical Engineering Consultant (2005-Present).
- Project Engineer (1998-2005). Itasca Consulting Group. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- PhD. in Geo-Engineering (1998). Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus, USA.
- MSc. in Engineering Geology (1994). Engineering Geology Department, ITC Delft, The Netherlands.
- BSc. in Civil Engineering (1992). Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Argentina.
Latest Publications
- Carranza-Torres C. (2023) “Scaled power law failure criteria for intact rock and rockfill shear Interfaces and their application to problems of borehole damage and slope stability”. Keynote Lecture. In Proceedings of the First Chilean Rock Mechanics Congress 2023. K. Suzuki, J. Jarufe, M. Silva and A. Villouta (Eds.). Santiago. Chile. November 22-24, 2023 (Files available for downloading at http://www.d.umn.edu/~carranza/CHILE23)
- Carranza-Torres, C. (2021). “Computational tools for the analysis of circular failure of rock slopes”. Keynote Lecture. In Proceedings of EUROCK 2021. Mechanics and Rock Engineering from theory to practice. Turin. Italy. September 21-24, 2021. (Files available for downloading at http://www.d.umn.edu/~carranza/EUROCK21)
- Carranza-Torres, C. and E. Hormazabal (2020) “Computational tools for the estimation of factor of safety and location of the critical failure surface for slopes in rock masses that satisfy the Hoek-Brown failure criterion”. In Proceedings of the International Symposium Slope Stability 2020. Perth, Australia, May 12–14, 2020. (Files available for downloading at http://www.d.umn.edu/~carranza/SLOPE20)
- Carranza-Torres, C. and D. Saftner (2020) “Computational tools for the analysis of stability of embankments in frictional-cohesive soils”. In Proceedings of the University of Minnesota 68th Annual Geotechnical Engineering Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota. February 27, 2020. (Files available for downloading at http://www.d.umn.edu/~carranza/EMBK20)
Other Publications
- Carranza-Torres, C. (2019) “Analytical and numerical study of the stability of shallow circular cavities in weak rocks”. Keynote Lecture. In Proceedings of the XVI Panamerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Cancún, Mexico. November 17–20, 2019.
- Carter, T. and C. Carranza-Torres (2019) “Global characterization of high rock slopes using the Hoek-Brown mb parameter as controlling index”. In Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. Foz do Iguassu, Brazil. September 13–18, 2019.
- Carranza-Torres C. and E. Hormazabal (2018) “Computational tools for the determination of factor of safety and location of the critical failure surface for slopes in Mohr-Coulomb dry ground”. Proceedings of the International Symposium Slope Stability 2018. April 11-13. Sevilla, Spain. (Files available for downloading at http://www.d.umn.edu/~carranza/SLOPE18)
- Carranza-Torres C. and T. Reich (2017) “Analytical and numerical study of the stability of shallow underground circular openings in cohesive ground”. Engineering Geology. 226, 70-92. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2017.05.013)
- Carranza-Torres C. and M. Engen (2017) “The support characteristic curve for blocked steel sets in the convergence-confinement method of tunnel support design”. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 69, 233-244. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tust.2017.04.003)
- Carranza-Torres, C., D. Fosnacht and G. Hudak (2017) “Geomechanical analysis of the stability conditions of shallow cavities for compressed air energy storage (CAES) applications”. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources. Springer. 3:131-174. (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40948-017-0049-3)
- Carranza-Torres C., D. Fosnacht and G. Hudak (2016) “Analytical and numerical study of the stability of shallow underground openings for mining and compressed air energy storage applications”. Keynote Lecture. In Proceedings of the IC3G International Conference on Geomechanics, Geoenergy and Georesources. P. G. Ranjith and J. Zhao (Eds.). September 28-29, 2016. Monash University. Melbourne. Australia. (Available for downloading at http://www.d.umn.edu/~carranza/IC3G)
- Juang C.H., Carranza-Torres C., Crosta G., Dong J.J., Gokceoglu C., Jibson R.W., Shakoor A., Tang H., van Asch T.W.J. and Wasowski J. (2016) “Engineering geology — A fifty year perspective”. Engineering Geology. 201, 67–70. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2015.12.020)
- Alejano L.R., Carranza-Torres C., Giani G.P. and Arzua J. (2015) “Study of the stability against toppling of rock blocks with rounded edges based on analytical and experimental approaches”. Engineering Geology. 195, 172–184. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2015.05.030)
- Carranza-Torres C., Rysdahl B. and Kasim M. (2013) “Elastic analysis of circular lined tunnel considering relaxation of ground stresses prior to installation of the support”. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. (61), 57-85. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmms.2013.01.010)
- Alejano L. and C. Carranza-Torres (2011) “An empirical approach for estimating shear strength of decomposed granites in Galicia, Spain”. Engineering Geology. 120, 91-102. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2011.04.003)
- Carranza-Torres C. (2009) “Analytical and Numerical Study of the Mechanics of Rockbolt Reinforcement around Tunnels in Rock Masses”. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 42: 175–228. (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00603-009-0178-2)
- Carranza-Torres C. and M. Diederichs (2009) “Mechanical analysis of circular liners with particular reference to composite supports. For example, liners consisting of shotcrete and steel sets”. Tunnelling and Underground Space. 24 (5): 506-532. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tust.2009.02.001)
- Carranza-Torres C. and J. Zhao (2009) “Analytical and numerical study of the effect of water pressure on the mechanical response of cylindrical lined tunnels in elastic and elasto-plastic porous media”. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences. 46. 531–547. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmms.2008.09.009)
- Hoek E., C. Carranza-Torres, M. Diederichs and B. Corkum (2008) “Integration of geotechnical and structural design in tunneling”. Proceedings University of Minnesota 56th Annual Geotechnical Engineering Conference, pages 1–53. Minneapolis, 29 February 2008. (Available for downloading at Hoek's Corner, www.rocscience.com)
- Carranza-Torres C. (2004) “Elasto-plastic solution of tunnel problems using the generalized form of the Hoek-Brown failure criterion”. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 41(3), 480–481. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmms.2004.03.111)
- Carranza-Torres C. (2003) “Dimensionless graphical representation of the elasto-plastic solution of a circular tunnel in a Mohr-Coulomb material”. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 36(3), 237–253. (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00603-002-0048-7)
- Hoek E., C. Carranza-Torres and B. Corkum. (2002) “Hoek-Brown failure criterion –2002 Edition”. In R. Hammah, W. Bawden, J. Curran, and M. Telesnicki (Eds.), Proceedings of NARMS-TAC 2002, Mining Innovation and Technology. Toronto – 10 July 2002, pp. 267–273. University of Toronto. (Available for downloading at Hoek's Corner, www.rocscience.com)
- Fairhurst C. and C. Carranza-Torres. (2002) “Closing the circle”. In J. Labuz and J. Bentler (Eds.), Proceedings of the 50 th Annual. Geotechnical Engineering Conference. St. Paul, Minnesota, February 22, 2002. University of Minnesota. (Available for downloading at Fairhurst’s Files, www.itascacg.com)
- Carranza-Torres C. and Fairhurst C. (2000) “Application of the convergence-confinement method of tunnel design to rock-masses that satisfy the Hoek-Brown failure criterion”. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 15(2), 187–213. (https://doi.org/10.1016/S0886-7798(00)00046-8)
- Carranza-Torres C. and Fairhurst C. (1999) “The elasto-plastic response of underground excavations in rock masses that satisfy the Hoek-Brown failure criterion”. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 36(6), 777–809. (https://doi.org/10.1016/S0148-9062(99)00047-9)
Editorial Board Memberships
- Co-Editor-in-Chief of Engineering Geology –journal published by Elsevier (January 2013-December 2015).
- Associate Editor of Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology –by Elsevier (2010-December 2012).
- Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences –by Elsevier (2004-Present).
- Member of the Editorial Board of Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology –by Elsevier (2005-Present).
- Member of the Editorial Board of Engineering Geology –by Elsevier (2006-Present).
- Member of the Editorial Board of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering –by Springer (2007-Present).
- Member of the Editorial Board of Tunnels and Large Underground Works (Gallerie e Grandi Opere Sotterranee) – journal of the Italian Tunnelling Association (Società Italiana Gallerie). (2021-Present).
- Former Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering –journal of the Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE (2006-2009).