Bruce B. Peckham
Courses Taught
I taught a variety of courses from precalculus courses through graduate level
courses. The following list includes courses beyond Calculus
which I teach most frequently, and
upper level topics courses which are closest to my teaching and research
areas of expertise.
- Differential Equations with Linear Algebra (Math 3280)
Next offered: every semester (although I don't teach it every semester)
- Dynamical Systems (Math 5260)
Next offered: Fall 2021 (every "odd year" fall)
- Modeling with Dynamical Systems (Math 5270)
Next offered: Spring 2022 (every "even year" spring)
- Freshman Seminar: Chaos, Fractals and Dynamics (Math 1234)
Next offered: not scheduled
- Real Variables (Math 5201)
Next offered: Every Fall
- Real Analysis (Math 8201)
Next offered: Spring 2021? (every "odd year" spring)
2000-2020 Teaching Schedule
- Fall 2000
- Calculus for the Natural Sciences (Math 1290)
- Real Variables (Math 5201)
- Spring 2001
- Calculus for the Natural Sciences (Math 1290)
- Real Analysis (Math 8201)
- Fall 2001
- Real Variables (Math 5201)
- Dynamical Systems (Math 5260)
- Spring 2002 On single semester research leave.
- Fall 2002
- Differential Equations with Linear Algebra (Math 3280)
- Real Variables (Math 5201)
- Spring 2003
- Freshman Seminar: Chaos, Fractals and Dynamics (Math 1234)
- Mathematics Seminar (Math 8211)
- Fall 2003
- Calculus II (Math 1297)
- Dynamical Systems (Math 5260)
- Spring 2004 On sabbatical leave.
- Fall 2004 On sabbatical leave at University of Bristol, Bristol England
- Spring 2005
- Freshman Seminar: Chaos, Fractals and Dynamics (Math 1234)
- Real Analysis (Math 8201)
- Fall 2005
- Differential Equations with Linear Algebra (Math 3280)
- Dynamical Systems (Math 5260)
- Spring 2006
- Fall 2006
- Differential Equations with Linear Algebra (Math 3280)
- Spring 2007
- Calculus II (Math 1297)
- Honors Calculus II (Math 1597)
- Real Analysis (Math 8201)
- Fall 2007
- Honors Calculus I (Math 1596)
- Dynamical Systems (Math 5260)
- Spring 2008
- Honors Calculus II (Math 1597)
- Fall 2008
- Honors Calculus I (Math 1596)
- Real Variables (Math 5201)
- Spring 2009
- Real Analysis (Math 8201)
- Fall 2009
- Dynamical Systems (Math 5260)
- Spring 2010
On single semester research leave.
- Fall 2010
- Differential Equations with Linear Algebra (Math 3280)
- Real Variables (Math 5201)
- Spring 2011
- Real Analysis (Math 8201)
- Fall 2011
- Dynamical Systems (Math 5260)
- Real Variables (Math 5201)
- Spring 2012
- Sabbatical leave (first half)
- Fall 2012
- Real Variables (Math 5201)
- Spring 2013
- Sabbatical Leave (second half)
- Fall 2013
- Real Variables (Math 5201)
- Dynamical Systems (Math 5260)
- Spring 2014
- Differential Equations with Linear Algebra (Math 3280) 2 sections
- Fall 2014
- Differential Equations with Linear Algebra (Math 3280)
- Real Variables (Math 5201)
- Spring 2015
- Real Analysis (Math 8201)
- Fall 2015
- Real Variables (Math 5201)
- Dynamical Systems (Math 5260)
- Spring 2016
- Differential Equations with Linear Algebra (Math 3280)
- Fall 2016
- Differential Equations with Linear Algebra (Math 3280)
- Spring 2017
- Real Analysis (Math 8201)
- Fall 2017
- Dynamical Systems (Math 5260)
- Spring 2018
- Differential Equations with Linear Algebra (Math 3280)
- Fall 2018
- Differential Equations with Linear Algebra (Math 3280)
- Spring 2019
- Real Analysis (Math 8201)
- Fall 2019 (50% time)
- Dynamical Systems (Math 5260)
- Spring 2020 (50% time)
- Differential Equations with Linear Algebra (Math 3280)
This page (http://www.d.umn.edu/~bpeckham/www) is maintained by
Bruce Peckham (bpeckham@d.umn.edu)
and was last modified on
Monday, 04-May-2020 21:07:07 CDT.