Math 8811 Mathematics Seminar
Prof. Peckham
Sping 2003 Syllabus
- Instructor: Bruce Peckham, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
- Office: 104 Solon Campus Center, 726-6188,
- Office Hours: M 10:30-11:30, T 1:30-2, W 11-11:50,
Th 1:30-3, F 10:30-11:30
or by appointment
- Meeting times: MWF 2-2:50 in Cina 102
- Course Prerequisites
Math 8980 Graduate Seminar (usually taken by graduate students in their
first semester). For Graduate students only.
Course description
This course is intended to be a capstone course for graduate students who are
in the last year of their masters' programs.
There are several goals of the course, including:
- Developing critical listening skills
- Developing presentation skills, including facility with presentation
software (such as Power Point)
- Developing "rapid process" communication skills: listen to others'
presentations, process information, ask intelligent questions
- Developing independent critical thinking skills: decide for yourself what
is interesting and important, and take the initiative to following up
on such items
- Devloping the ability to apply material learned in previous
courses to other settings and applications
- Developing appreciation for mathematics at many different levels
The course will be run as a series of seminars. Some topics may be presented
in a single seminar, while others may be continued for several weeks.
Each student will present at least
four seminars. Student seminars will cover:
- Plans for the student's masters' project (or thesis), background on
the problem, and progress
report on work done to date. (20 min; in the first 3 weeks)
- Report on one scientific paper, preferably published in the last 5 year,
preferably related to the student's masters' project. (50 min; scheduled
sometime in the middle of the semester)
- Progress report on project work to date. (50 min; sometime after the
midpoint of the semester)
- A practice run of the student's final project presentation, making full
use of technology.
The instructor will begin the course with several introductory talks.
Topics covered beyond the introductory talks will depend on the interests
of the seminar participants.
Beginning topics will most likely include:
- Real one-dimensional dynamical systems and Chaos
- Complex dynamical systems: Julia sets and Mandelbrot sets
- Legesgue measure
- Lebesgue integration
- Modelling with differential equations
- Two-dimensional real dynamical systems: periodic points, stable and
unstable manifolds, homoclinic tangles (chaos)
- Bifurcation theory, including "continuation" algorithms
- Fractal Geometry
- Use of Software: download, install, run
Some specific talks planned:
- Life without chaos is death An introduction to dynamical systems
in one dimension.
- The "Real" Mandelbrot set versus the "real" Mandelbrot set
An introduction to complex dynamics.
- The Chaos of multiplication by An introduction to both real and
complex dynamical systems.
- Modelling Peatland development with Differential Equations
Student Expectations
- Attend all seminars
- Participate in seminar discussions
- Make 4 presentations: three on project/thesis topic, one on a related
scientific paper (see above)
- Do readings and/or HW sets related to past or future presentations
- Extend material from any seminar presentation (with instructor approval).
Report will be written. Oral presentation may be given as well.
- Make satisfactory progress on masters' project/thesis in order to make
presentations in class.
Grading (Tentative)
Students will be evaluated on a combination of written homework assignments,
computer experiments, projects, class preparation and participation,
and oral presentations.
More specifically:
Class attendence: 10%
Class presentations 40%
Class participation 15%
HW/Outside clas prep. 20%
Outside class extension: student choice 15%
-------------------------- ---
Total: 100%
- CHAOS: Making a New Science by James Gleick, Penguin Books 1987.
- ITERATION, by Choate, Devaney and Foster
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, by Steven H. Strogatz
- Chaos, Fractals, and Dynamics: Computer Experiments in Mathematics, by
R. L. Devaney, Addison-Wesley, 1990. Introduction to discrete dynamical systems,
aimed at high school level (but containing much more).
- A First Course in Chaotic Dynamical Systems: Theory and Experiment by
R. L. Devaney, Addison-Wesley, 1992. Text used for the old quarter course:
Discrete Dynamical Systems (Math Q5695).
Excellent introductory text for discrete dynamical systems, including
complex dynamics (Mandelbrot set, Julia Sets).
- An Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems, second edition,
by R. L. Devaney, Addison-Wesley, 1989. (Discrete dynamical systems. Intro
graduate level text.)
- A Toolkit of Dynamics Activities. A series of four interactive
textbooks for Dynamical Systems published by Key Curriculum Press
- Iteration, by Choate J, Devaney R L and Foster A, 1999
- Fractals, by Choate J, Devaney R L and Foster A, 1999
- Chaos, by Choate J and Devaney R L, 2000
- The Mandelbrot and Julia Sets, by Devaney R L, 2000
Arcadia, a play by Tom Stoppard, Faber and Faber, 1993. Multiple references
to "chaos" and related mathematical ideas.
General policy statement
Seminar meetings, material in the readings, homework, Web exercises,
presentations and tests are
all intended to complement each other. No one is a replacement for any of the
others. You are, in general, expected to learn material which is covered via
any of these sources.
Homework Sets and Ground Rules
All work should be neatly written,
well-organized, and complete.
Please inform me of any disabilities of
which I should be aware
in order to provide for equitable participation.
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and was last modified on
Friday, 24-Jan-2003 12:20:38 CST.