Modeling with Dynamical Systems
Math 5270
Spring 2000 Syllabus
Prof. Peckham
- Instructor: Bruce Peckham, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
- Office: 104 Campus Center, 726-6188,
- Office Hours: MTWF 1--2PM, or by appointment
- Meeting times: MF 11:30 - 12:20, W 11:40-12:30 CCtr 130
- Texts:
- Fundamentals of Differential Equations by Nagle and Saff
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos by Steven Strogatz
- Other reference books and journals.
Reference list.
- Exam 1: Fri. Feb. 25 -> Wed. March 22 10%
- Exam 2: Fri. Apr. 14 -> Fri. April 28 15%
- Problem Sets/Projects/Presentations/Critiques: 50%
- Final Project: 25%
- Total: 100%
Detailed Grading Scheme
- Required: The mathematics core courses,
Differential Equations (Quarter Math 3380 or Semester Math 3380).
- Suggested: Intermediate Analysis (Math 3699) or any 5000 level Math/Stat
course, or permission of the instructor.
- The course content may be adjusted according to student (and instructor)
- The grading percentages may be adjusted slightly if deemed necessary by
the instructor.
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