Math 3280: Differential Equations with Linear Algebra

Spring 2020 Syllabus
Prof. Peckham


This is an introductory course in Differential Equations and Linear Algebra.

Techniques are developed for obtaining ANALYTICAL, QUALITATIVE, and NUMERICAL solutions to differential equations. Anayltical techniques yield a formula for a function which is a solution. Techniques used include separation of variables, first order linear techniques, second order constant coefficient linear techniques (including for nonhomogeneous linear differential equations), Laplace transforms, and eigenvalue-eigenvector techniques for linear two-dimensional systems of first order differential equations. Qualitative techniques include sketching solutions using slope fields, phase lines and phase planes, and verbally describing long term behavior of solutions. Numerical techniques allow for the approximation of a solution starting from specific initial conditions. The simplest is Euler's method. Numerical techniques are best implemented using computer software, and viewed graphically.

Linear algebra topics include the use of matrices in solving systems of linear algebraic equations, determinants of matrices, vector spaces, and an introduction to linear transformations, including finding eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and nullspaces of matrices and transformations.

The course material is mostly covered in Chapters 1-10 of the Edwards and Penny text. The specific sections covered will be announced by the instructor. Some supplemental material will be occasionally presented in class.

Related material in other courses: Differential equations relies heavily on Calculus, especially integration. Linear algebra relies on high school and/or college algebra courses. Math 3280 is a prerequisite for many Mathematics courses: Numerical Methods (Math 3810), Elementary Real Analysis (Math 4201), Complex Variables (Math 4230), Operational Methods (Math 4240), Linear Algebra (Math 4236), Introduction to Abstract Algebra for Teaching Majors (Math 4370), Dynamical Systems (Math 5260), Modeling with Dynamical Systems (Math 5270), Partial Differential Equations (Math 5280), Linear Programming (Math 5810), Numerical Analysis: Approximation and Quadrature (Math 5830).

Other Useful References


Test 1Monday Feb. 17, 5-6:30, Room TBACh's 1-215%
Test 2Monday March 23, 5-6:30, Room TBACh's 3,4,5.1-5.315%
Test 3Thursday April 23, 5-6:30, Room TBACh's 5-10 (selected sections)15%
FinalTues. May 5, 8-9:55am (alternate Fri. May 8, 8-9:55am) Room TBACumulative25%
Quizzes8-10 during semesterSee course web page8%
AssignmentsweeklySee course web page7%
LabsTuesdaysSee course web page15%

General policy statement

Lectures, material in the text, labs, assignments, and tests are all intended to complement each other. No one is a replacement for any of the others. You are, in general, expected to learn material which is covered via any of these sources.

Assignments and Ground Rules

Assignments will be turned in roughly every week. All work should be neatly written, well-organized, and complete. See the Department "Minimum Standard Requirements" handout.

For regular assignments, you are encouraged to exchange ideas with each other, but each person should write up his/her solutions completely in his/her own words. Every assignment should include a signed statement indicating

The list of outside references should include any people, websites, books, solution manuals, HW sites, ... used - other than the section of the textbook from which the problem came. If no outside references were used, state NONE, and sign. Using references without properly acknowledging them is academic dishonesty and will result in a zero for the problem for a first offense, a zero for the full assignment for a second offense,and a zero for the total HW score for the course for a third offense. It is never appropriate to give a written version of a problem to another classmate, except to have the classmate read and evaluate your work with you present. It is OK to verbally explain your ideas to another classmate, as long as the classmate then independently does his/her own writeup. One person copying a classmate's solutions is expressly forbidden and will result in both students receiving zeroes for that complete assignment and facing academic disciplinary action, even if it is a first offense.

It is often instructive to read the problems at the end of each section and think about how you would solve them, even if you don't actually attempt to solve them.

Use of technology. My general policy is that technology is appropriate to use to do tasks that you learned to do in earlier courses. Technology is not appropriate to do tasks you are learning for the first time in the course. For example, use of technology for assignments, including calculators and/or Mathematica, for algebraic computations, graphing, and taking derivatives or integrals, is encouraged. You should not use calculators or Mathematica commands which solve differential equations in one step. Whenever you use technology on your assignments you should indicate where it has been used so it is clear to the instructor or grader why intermediate steps are not included in your work. Tests will be made "noncomputational" so that calculators are not needed, but you will be allowed to use them for algebraic tasks and function graphing only. You will be on your honor not to use symbolic capabilities (differentiation, integration, solving differential equations in one step). Explicit restrictions will be stated for each Test.

All assignments and due dates will be posted on the course homepage at

Late Assignments or Labs

Students will be allowed 5 grace days per semester for late assignments and 5 days per semester for late labs. Once the grace days are used up, 10% per day will be deducted from any subsequent late assignment/lab until it is one week late. Weekends count as one day. After that students must make arrangements with the instructor for assignments or the TA for labs to hand in work for credit of 50%.

Missed Exams or Quizzes

Missed quizzes or exams will be assigned a zero score unless you provide a valid written, signed (by a Doctor, for example) excuse for your absence; unless it is not possible to do so, you must provide verbal notice ahead of time to your instructor for an absence. Arrangements for a makeup should be made as soon as you know you will miss. Do not wait for the next class. You can leave the instructor a message 24 hours a day by email. Oversleeping, poor preparation, slight colds, and cold weather are not valid excuses.

Student Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, students should be able to

Broader Course Goals

More broadly, students should develop problem-solving and investigation strategies, and they should develop expertise in numerical techniques, analytical techniques, and scientific vizualization, and be able to apply these to problems to areas beyond differential equations and linear algebra.

General UMD Policies

UMD recommends policy statements for the following: Student Conduct Code, Instructor and Student Responsibilities, Academic Integrity, Excused Absences, Use of Class Notes and Course Materials, Disability Policy, Sexual Harassment, Equity, Diversity, Equal Opportunity, and Affirmative Action, and Mental Health and Stress Management. Links to full descriptions of these policies are available here. All stated policies apply to this course.

This page ( is maintained by Bruce Peckham ( and was last modified on Friday, 24-Jan-2020 15:06:13 CST.