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 UMD News Releases

Communication Associate: Public Relations | Lori Melton | | (218) 726-8830

March 1, 2012
Susan Banovetz | Director of External Affairs | 218 726-6141|
Christiana Kapsner | UMD Public Relations Assistant | 218 726-8830 |

Choral Event Launches Scholarship

Dr. Vernon OpheimDr. Vernon Opheim
Memory of UMD Professor Opheim to be honored

A special concert will honor the memory of UMD Professor Vernon Opheim and launch the UMD Dr. Vernon Choral Scholarship intended for students studying to become choral directors. The concert will begin at 3 p.m., Sunday, March 4 in the Weber Music Hall where approximately 45 former students and UMD alumni of Dr. Opheim will join the current University Singers under the direction of Professor Stanley R. Wold by singing Opheim's arrangement, "Let Us Break Bread Together."

The net proceeds from the concert will go toward the scholarship fund.

Dr. Opheim was a UMD choral director, as well as the conductor for the University Singers and Elizabethan Singers for 20 years, from 1972-1992.

"There's been an overwhelming response. Even people who can't come to the concert have talked about how much he meant to their lives," said Sonja Rasmussen ('81), who sang with both choral groups while attending UMD.

Opheim's wife, Avis, two of his three daughters, and their families will be in attendance.

Tickets can be purchased online or by calling the Weber Music Hall box office at 218-726-8877.

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UMD External Affairs Team
To send information to Currents and to submit a listing to the Experts List or
to send major news stories for homepage features, news releases and UM Twin Cities Brief use

Cheryl Reitan, Associate Director of External Affairs, 218-726-8996,
Betty Greene, Associate Administrator, 218-726-6140,
Brett Groehler, Director of Photography, 218-726-7115,
Charlene Aaseng, Graphic & Multimedia Designer, 218-726-6858,
Kathleen McQuillan-Hofmann, Communication Associate, 218-726-7111,
Lori Melton, Communication Associate, 218-726-8830,
Joel Youngblom, Web Development & Content Manager, 218-726-8798,

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Last modified on 04/02/15 08:13 PM
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