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 UMD News Releases

Communication Associate: Public Relations | Lori Melton | | (218) 726-8830

July 25, 2011
Cheryl Reitan | Interim director | UMD Public Relations and Marketing | 218 726-8996 |
Peggy Dahlberg | Landscape Maintenance Supervisor | 218 726-7295 |

Campus-Wide Juneberry Picking

June BerriesRipe Juneberries
On Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at noon, Peggy Dahlberg—UMD Landscape Maintenance Supervisor—will lead volunteers on a final Juneberry picking tour. Starting at the Solon Campus Center, the group will pick the ripe berries for UMD Food Services. Volunteers have picked approximately 10 pounds of Juneberries since the beginning of this summer. Dahlberg is expecting three to four more pounds will be picked during the Tuesday harvest.

"We have ornamental shrubs throughout the campus," Dahlberg said. "They also provide fresh fruit. Our aim is to incorporate edible plant material into the landscape and the Juneberry is an example of this."

Matt Rossi, UMD Principal Food Operations Manager, will take the harvested berries and create a campus signature dish, the Juneberry Crunch. Similar to an apple crisp, the Juneberry Crunch is nutrient-dense and flavorful.

Juneberries are the same size as blueberries but they contain small, round edible seeds that taste like almonds. By the end of July, they are typically out of season and are easily confused with Buckthorn berries, which are ripe in August and September, but should not be consumed by humans.

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UMD External Affairs Team
To send information to Currents and to submit a listing to the Experts List or
to send major news stories for homepage features, news releases and UM Twin Cities Brief use

Cheryl Reitan, Associate Director of External Affairs, 218-726-8996,
Betty Greene, Associate Administrator, 218-726-6140,
Brett Groehler, Director of Photography, 218-726-7115,
Charlene Aaseng, Graphic & Multimedia Designer, 218-726-6858,
Kathleen McQuillan-Hofmann, Communication Associate, 218-726-7111,
Lori Melton, Communication Associate, 218-726-8830,
Joel Youngblom, Web Development & Content Manager, 218-726-8798,

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Last modified on 04/02/15 08:13 PM
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