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 UMD News Releases

Communication Associate: Public Relations | Lori Melton | | (218) 726-8830

December 1, 2007
Susan Beasy Latto, Director, UMD Public Relations (218) 726-8830

UMD – UWS Great Lakes Maritime Research Institute
Appointed a Member of the
Marine Transportation System National Advisory Council

The Great Lakes Maritime Research Institute (GLMRI), a National Maritime Enhancement Institute (a consortium of the University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) and the University of Wisconsin-Superior (UWS)), has been appointed a member of the Marine Transportation System National Advisory Council (MTSNAC) for a three-year term by U.S. Secretary of Transportation Mary E. Peters.

The GLMRI was established in 2004 to pursue research efforts in marine transportation, logistics, economics, engineering, environmental planning, and port management. The GLMRI represents a consortium of the UMD Swenson College of Science & Engineering and Labovitz School of Business and Economics along with the UWS Transportation and Logistics Research Center. The GLMRI has nine affiliated universities throughout the Great Lakes states. The GLMRI is dedicated to developing and improving economically and environmentally sustainable maritime commerce on the Great Lakes through applied research. The US Maritime Administration designated GLMRI as a National Maritime Enhancement Institute on June 1, 2005.

The Marine Transportation System National Advisory Council (MTSNAC) was established in 2000 by the Secretary of Transportation and is a chartered, non-federal body, whose purpose is to advise the Secretary on matters relating to the Marine Transportation System – waterways, ports, and their intermodal connections. Its membership is comprised of leaders from 30 commercial transportation firms, trade associations, state and local public entities, recreational boating interests, academics, and environmental groups. Historically, the council has addressed a number of challenging issues, including port security, freight system capacity, and congestion in and around our port communities.

Great Lakes Maritime Research Institute:
Marine Transportation System National Advisory Council:


Dr. Richard D. Stewart, Co-Director
Great Lakes Maritime Research Institute
University of Wisconsin-Superior
Phone : 715-394-8547,

Carol Wolosz, Assistant Director
Great Lakes Maritime Research Institute
University of Minnesota Duluth
Phone: 218-726-7446,
E-mail: or

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