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 UMD News Releases

Communication Associate: Public Relations | Lori Melton | | (218) 726-8830

December 5, 2003
Susan Beasy Latto, Director of Public Relations (218) 726-8830
Janet Fitzakerley, Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Duluth (218) 726-7012

School of Medicine, Duluth Holds
December "DocTalks" Lecture

Dr. William Fleeson Presents
"Inside Your Insides: MRI Made Simple"

The School of Medicine, Duluth (SOMD) will give its December "DocTalks" lecture titled "Inside Your Insides: MRI Made Simple". The lecture will be held December 9 at 7:30 p.m. in room 142 of the School of Medicine, Duluth. Dr. William Fleeson, adjunct professor in the Family Practice Department at the School of Medicine, Duluth will present.

The 2003 Noble Prize in Medicine was awarded to the inventors of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), a technique that allows physicians to see inside the living human body in novel and exciting ways. The December "DocTalk" will be held in celebration of this event as an introductory lecture for anyone who wants to understand this unique diagnostic tool.

Dr. William Fleeson is a board-certified specialist in both Occupational and Preventative Medicines, and is a community preceptor at the Duluth Family Practice Center.

"DocTalks" are held the second Tuesday of every month, (September-April,) at 7:30 p.m. in room 142 of the School of Medicine, Duluth. The lectures are free and intended for the public.

For more information about the lecture series, visit:, or contact Dr. Janet Fitzakerley at (218) 726-8512.

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