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 UMD News Releases

Communication Associate: Public Relations | Lori Melton | | (218) 726-8830

September 27, 2001
Susan Beasy Latto, Director of Public Relations 218 726-8830
Linda Larson, UMD Homecoming Chair 218 726-7230

UMD Homecoming Activities Set for Saturday, October 6
Theme is "2001: A Bulldog Odyssey"

Pet Contest Asks: "Does Your Pet Look Like This Man?"

UMD Homecoming activities, "2001 A Bulldog Odyssey", are set for Saturday, October 6. The public is cordially invited to take part in the fun. A major highlight of the day will include a pet parade at 12:30 p.m in front of Griggs Field with a special award given to the pet who most resembles popular KBJR TV meteorologist George Kessler. Kessler is one of several judges who will also award prizes to the "pet with the best homecoming costume", "cutest pet", "cutest puppy", and "most obedient pet". Everyone is invited to bring along a pet and enter.

The "Bulldog Carnival" will run from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Griggs Field parking lot and will include live music, food, kiddie carnival, pet parade and prizes. A special car decorating event will create a "Bulldog Odyssey Spaceship." Homecoming Parade will begin at 11:45 a.m. and proceed from the UMD Darland Building along College Street, right onto Junction Avenue, onto St Marie Street to University Drive on the UMD campus- ending in the Griggs Field parking lot.

UMD and campus Air Force ROTC cadets will stage a special tribute to police officers, firefighters and medical personnel as the parade passes the judging stage in the Griggs Field parking lot. UMD football game versus Moorhead follows at 2 p.m. at Griggs Field. In case of rain, all events will move to the UMD Fieldhouse.

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