Mr. Wilson is an American who has lived and worked in the former Soviet Union for nine years. He will present an explanation of business in Uzebekistan, how he opened the first pizza restaurant in Tashkent, and what it's like to import Danish products into the Ukraine and run an exporting business in Kyrgyzstan.
"This experience has been nothing short of incredible. Working in an extremely dynamic region and an environment that was not built for a market economy has presented many unique challenges and opportunities. Hyperinflation, crumbling infrastructure and an entire region struggling to learn market economics, have met head-on with big business----creating opportunity for some and hard times and difficult lessons for others," says Wilson.
Jeffrey Wilson first went to Uzbekistan in 1992 as a Small Business Development Volunteer with the United States Peace Corps. After his service with the Peace Corps, he stayed on in that part of the world. In his nine years, he went on to work for a number of companies in the fields of marketing, importing, sales, and product distribution.
Mr. Wilson will be on the UMD campus April 30 and May 1, speaking to business & economics classes, and making presentations to UMD faculty, staff and students.
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