The Klaus P. Jankofsky Medieval-Renaissance Fund will sponsor its inaugural lecture series on Wednesday, May 10 at 4:30 p.m. in the UMD Balcony Gallery of the Tweed Museum of Art. The event will honor the scholarship, mentorship, and teaching of Professor Jankofsky, current and long-time member UMD's Department of English. Two of Professor Jankofsky's former students will make presentations.
Dr. Mary Morse will present a short slide presentation entitled "Seeing and Hearing: How Margery Kempe Learned 'By the Book.'"
Dr. Kate Maurer will present "Richard III: A Love Story," a brief discussion of the changing faces of Shakespeare's great villain.
A reception honoring Professor Jankofsky will follow the lectures. Community members, colleagues, former students, and those interested in Medieval and Renaissance studies are invited to attend. The event is free and open to the public.
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