1. What type of review system did you use for your Step 1 preparation?
System Based
Subject Based
or Both
2. Name the FOUR most important resources that you utilized for studying for the Step 1 Exam.
3. How would you rate First Aid?: (1 low ~ 5 high) Leave blank if you did not use it.
4. How would you rate Med Essentials?
(1 low ~ 5 high) Leave blank if you did not use it.
5. How would you rate Kaplan Q Bank? (1 low ~ 5 high)
6. How many Q Bank questions did you complete?
7. Were Kaplan questions More Difficult, Less Difficult or Similar in difficulty to Step 1?
More Difficult
Less Difficult
or Similar
8. What other Resources did you use that were useful?
Pick all that apply .
BRS: Path, Biochem/Molecular Bio, Micro/Immuno/Phys/ Pharm, Gross Anatomy, Cell Biology/Histology
High Yield: Behavioral, Embryology, Micro/Infectious Diseases, Neuroanatomy, Gross Anatomy, Histo, Cell and Molecular Biology
. Especially for those who made individual appointments to set up a plan, did it work for you?
If you modified the plan - what were the revisions?
10. Did you take an NBME assessment exam online? Yes
If you did, what was the name of the assessment and how many times did you take it?
11. If you did take the practice exams, were they helpful in reassessing your study plan?
12. What were the THREE major areas in order of frequency on your Step 1 exam?
13. Did our curriculum prepare you adequately for the exam? Yes
14. What were the strengths of our curriculum?
15. Are there areas for which you did NOT feel adequately prepared?
What areas?
16. Were the "Principles" reviews that ran during the months of February - April useful?
Tell us which ones were NOT useful.
17. Is there anything that you wish you would have been advised regarding Step 1 preparation?:
18. After the school year ended, how many hours did you study each day?
1 - 3
4 - 6
7 - 9
19. When did you take your exam?
May 15 - 31
June 1 - 15
June 16 - 30
July 1 - 15
July 16 - 31
After July
20. Did you feel you had enough time to study? Yes
21. How can we improve the process for preparation for the Step 1?
22. Give future students one major piece of advise in Step 1 prep as well as other comments?
For immediate questions, please e-mail Dr. Lillian Repesh at
lrepesh@d.umn.edu . or Phyllis Lindberg at