As far as the assignments go, the Presentation and the Term Paper are not repititions or duplications.
They aredifferent ways to present the results of your research to different audiences for different purposes.
It is the goal of this pair of assignments combined to give you experience presenting (a) your information to (b) two different audiences for (c) two different purposes.
If you are one who thinks the Term Paper and the formal audience should be first, and the Presentation and the informal audience second, that is a legitimate point of view. But since both can not be first, the model used here is the real-life situation one where a student presents a paper (or poster or whatever) to a student session of a regional meeting of their major (the informal audience), gets feedback from their regional peers, and then develops the project into a formal print version submitted to the regional organization (the formal project to a formal audience).
If you happen to have a major that doesn't have a regional organiztion or a student section, or have not declared a major, then your idea of having the the Term Paper first and Presentation last makes a lot more sense. If that is the case, pretend you have a major-related student section of a regional organization.
Unfortunately, with a class this size, it is not feasible to offer you the option to switch the order of the two.
Student Colleagues in a Regional Professional Organization (i.e., a student paper presented at a regional meeting)
(finished version)
To inform classmates what you have been working on and what you have found interesting, and possibly what you would like to find out more about in the future.
To present the results of personal research to members in a professional forum. (i.e., or, if you prefer, your audience can be the members of a task force of which you are a member, in a company or organization like you would like to work for in the future.)
Formal, following the specific syle and content guidelines of the organization.
(The default guidelines are those commonly accepted for academic college-level term papers in the style format most commonly used by people in your major.)
For further information see your respective
Presentation and Term Paper WebPages.
Your topic/subject should be something that you, personally, are interested in
Your topic/subject can be almost anything you like, but it must be related to the Global Cultures course
Use materials from the textbook, class slides, and class videos--as a starting point to integrate class materials into your Project.
But the main focus of your project should be on materials that are not required for the class.
The informal "proposal" itself can be very straightforward:
The Informal Proposal is a simple statement (preferably in a Word document) of . . .
"Here's what I'm interested in doing. . . ."
"Here's why I'm interested in that. . . ."
"Here's what I think will be useful for that project. . . ."
"What do you think?"
. . .
Your Informal Proposal can be something like . . .
"I'm thinking about doing a project on X or Y, but can't make up my mind."
"Here's what I'm interested in, and why. . . ."
Here are some things that look like they might be useful for the project. . . ."
"What do you think?"
"What I think will be useful" means that you should include 3 or 4 items like references to materials and activities (such as interviewing someone . . .) that you think would be helpful to your in working on your project. (No, you do not have to do an interview; that's just one possibility.)
"Items" can be articles, short videos, photographs, books, interviews, personal experience. . . .
If you include a reference to a source on the web, be sure to give its full reference (not just the URL). For a web page your full reference should look something like the one below (include as much of this material as is available for the site[s] you are looking at):
For this assignment you may turn in the references to other sources of information any way you like, but it is a good idea to use whatever attribution system you plan to use in your final term paper:
In order to upload your file please make sure that you save your Word file as a .docx or a .doc or a .rtf file.*
*Details on "Type of Files" are available in the "File Type Information" if you need more information on how to save your files on your computer.
Click on "upload assignment" button at the end of the assignment page.
Once you have uploaded the file you can not re-upload the file unless you first remove the one you first uploaded.
For more information regarding how to use the assignment tools, please view the Canvas Student User Guides
A more formal statement (a "Promissory Abstract") of what you eventually decide upon isn't due for another two weeks.
Between now and then I will have a look at your informal proposal and give you some feedback on it, including instructions on how to proceed with your Promissory Abstract two weeks hence.
your Presentation is basicaly an on-line preliminary report on your Term Paper, to a different audience, and with a different style
Do your Presentation and your Term Paper on the same topic . . . but keep in mind . . .
In the "real world" one often presents materials on the same topic to different audiences and for different purposes and with different styles. This set of requirements is, in addition, to having you research a topic of your interest, intended to give you some practice in presenting to different audiences, with different purposes, and (generally) with different styled. Keep that in mind when you are preparing your Presentation and your Term Paper
NOTE: Because of this you may not simply submit your paper as a presentation, or vice versa
see details with the information on the two tasks on . . .
Begin thinking about your project early in the semester
Talk/communicate with others about what they are doing, and share your ideas
"The Global Open Data Index was the most shared resource from The Scout Report this past year. Like our readers, we were impressed by this repository of government data from 94 different countries across the globe. These datasets are helpfully organized by country as well as topic, providing an invaluable tool for researchers and journalists. However, this resource will also be of interest to anyone curious about the relative openness of data around the world."
"The Global Open Data Index, an initiative of Open Knowledge International, is at once an index of government open data and an assessment of these indexes. As the site notes, "Each year, governments are making more data available in an open format." The Global Open Data Index tracks whether these data are released in a way that is open and accessible to citizens, the media, and the generally curious. The Index ranks countries based on the availability and accessibility of data across 13 categories (including Election Results, Government Spending, and Legislation), displaying the results in an easily navigated infographic and map. Visitors to the site may also view open datasets, when available, by following links on these graphs or by conducting a text search. This makes the Global Open Data Index an excellent one stop shop for national data. Country rankings are updated annually." -- The Scout Report, Volume 23, Number 21, 26 May 2017
s2025 Wk 13 Your Presentation is due on-line in by Sunday, 20 April 2025
AVISO: Late Presentations will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date. Why?
Or something like a "brown bag" luncheon presentation at your library to a mixed-group of curious individuals who normally attend more informal public lectures
Or students at the Student Presentations sections of the Central States Anthropological Society Annual Convention, or the annual regional convention of your major(s) [for example, Sociologists of Minnesota]
Purposefor Your Presentation
To let your audience know what you were working on, and what you found out, and what might be interesting to look at in the future
To get feedback on your Presentation that might be useful in preparing your final Term Paper
NOTE: This is a presentation of a work in progress
for the Presentation, it may be informal
for the Paper, formal academic
Term Paper
remember that your Term Paper is formal style
Audience for Your Term Paper
Monthly On-line newsletter of the Central States Anthropological Society, or the monthly newsletter of the professional society of your major(s) [for example, Sociologists of Minnesota]
Length of Term Paper
10 - 12 well-written pages, including one title page and one Works Cited (or References) page
QUESTION: "When you put pictures in PowerPoint slides do you have cite them?"
The basic rule is that one needs to cite everything used that is not of their own creation. There are different ways to do that.
For a presentation you can list the sources of the images on one or more slide (if you are using slides) at the end; that is, all of the references can be at the end; they do not necessarily have to be with each picture (that is, in a Presentation; in the Term Paper, each image must be identified, and the source given).
If you are doing a web site, it is acceptable to link the picture to its source (which is the system I use on most of the images for the class web pages).
You can also add a link an image in a PowerPoint slide, but, in the end, that can be very confusing when a viewer or presenter clicks on an image accidentally and is taken away from the Presentation to the web site (or other source) of the picture.
Have a look at the information below, and if you have any questions, please let me know.
The use of images is one of the great strengths of using WebPages. Images help explain your point, and they allow you to present information quickly, clearly and concisely. And they generally make your work look more interesting.
Identify your images with concise headings.
When you include an image, place it as close as possible to the part of the text that it illustrates. Place images in the most appropriate locations; do not simply add them at the beginning or the end of your paper.
At the bottom of each image, include the source of information and any other relevant notes. Make sure each image has an accurate title.
In your Presentation make sure each image has an accurate title. And at the bottom of each image, include the source of information and any other relevant notes, but do that part in tiny fonts.
Images help explain your point, and they allow you to present information quickly, clearly and concisely. And they generally make your work look more interesting. Number your images and include concise headings. And you must have at least one reference to each illustration . . . in the text.
When you include an image in your Term Paper, place it as close as possible to the part of the text that it illustrates. Place images in the most appropriate locations; do not simply add them at the beginning or the end of your paper. If your image is bigger or longer than fits on the page where it should ideally go, indicate its position with instructions set off by lines above and below and place each image on a separate page immediately following the inserted instructions as with the following example.
Insert Image 1 about here
At the bottom of each image, include the source of information and any other relevant notes. Do not number these notes in the same series as the content notes. Make sure each image has an accurate title.
Number your images consecutively, in the order mentioned in the text. Number figures, diagrams, and illustrations similarly, but separately.
In the text, refer to images, tables, figures, illustrations ... by their number. For example:
"Image 1 illustrates the relationship between the femur and its attached muscles.@
". . . these correlations support the hypothesis (see Figure 1)."
Somewhere in your paper you should include an identification of and credits for your cover image. You can do this on the “Works Cites” or “References” page. This information is usually not included on the cover page.
s2025 Wk 13 Your Presentation is due on-line in by Sunday, 20 April 2025
AVISO: Late Presentations will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date. Why?
Main Due Dates for Project Materials
(You will be given reminders during the semester.)
Week 2
Week 3
ss2022 Live Chat for Picking a Project Topic
Week 2, Tuesday, 14 June 2022, 7:00-8:00 CDT Sign in on .
NOTE: Try to work an analytical section into your Presentation and Paper, and at least think about approaching your Anth of Food term Project from the traditional "four-field" approach of American Anthropology. If the "four-field" approach does not work as a major appoach, consider at least addressing in summary form the relationship of your chosen topic(s) to traditional American Anthropology.
That is, whatever your topic, look at it through an Anthropological lens. For a review of what that's all about, have a look at the Main Characteristics of Anthropology slides (.pptx).
When relevant to your topic be sure to work in what is happening now; that is, where appropriate, relate it to current affairs.
And always keep in mind the basic elements of writing:
Audience: Classmmates
Purpose: To let them know what you were working on, and what you found out, and what might be interesting to look at in the future
Style: For the Paper, academic; for the Presentation, informal
s2025 Wk 13 Your Presentation is due on-line in by Sunday, 20 April 2025
AVISO: Late Presentations will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date. Why?
Week 14
f2024 Wk 14 Term Paper (up to 400 points)
due by Sunday, 1 December 2024
(TurnItIn in your Week 14 Module section)
AVISO: Late Term Papers will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date. Why?
When relevant to your topic be sure to work in what is happening now; that is, where appropriate, relate it to current affairs.
And with both your Presentation and your Term Paper be sure to relate your Project materials to the materials considered in class.
For e.g., if you are doing a comparision/contrast between Italy and America and Finland include relevant items from Understanding Global Cultures, 6th Edition from . . .
Chapter 19: The Italian Opera
Chapter 8: The Finnish Sauna
Chapter 15: American Football
Use of AI-content generators for assignments in this class
When I taught Advanced Writing for the Social Sciences here at UMD, for over twenty-five years, my rule of thumb advice to students was to plan to spend 60% or more of their time and effort revising drafts (for academic type writing).
In 2001 Wikipedia appeared on the scene and very quickly became a useful tool asa starting point for many academic projects even though as an open-source resource the Wikipedia entries are not checked and verified in the same manner as other traditional reference materials.
Spelling and grammar checkers arrived on the general scene and helped with spelling and grammar checking, but, as you no doubt have discovered, they continue to require human editing.
And, of course, before that we had a selection of excellent Encyclopedia offering good starting points for many projects, the most popular being The Encyclopedia Brittanica.
And long before that there were libraries--since at least the days of Alexandria in Egypt, in the third century B.C.
The bottom line . . .
Today the evolution of research resources and aids continues with the relatively rapid appearance of ChatGPT and other automated content generators.
As many folks have already found out, they can be very useful as starting points, much like their predecessors. But, from the academic point of view, they are still only starting points.
Professors nationwide are for the most part advised, and even encouraged, to experiment with the potentials of ChatGPT and similar apps.
In this class it is fine to experiment, with the caveat that all of your written academic work demonstrates that your personal efforts—including content development and revision—reflect your personal originality, exploration, analysis, explanation, integrating and synthesizing of ideas, organizational skills, evaluation, and overall learning and critical thinking efforts.
That is to say you may experiment with the AI tool to do tasks such as e.g, brainstorming, narrowing topics, writing first drafts, editing text, and the like. AI-generated works should in no case be more than that.
In the end you need to become familiar enough with the various subjects, peoples, and places discussed in this class to research a topic and problem-solve on your own, and carry on an intelligent conversation about them in modern-day society . . . a conversation that goes byond your voicing an unsupported opinion.
For the record, what follows is the official UMD Academic Integrity Policy. Note that "unless otherwise noted by the faculty
member" this is the default policy.
"UMD’s Academic Integrity policy covers any work done by automated content generators such as ChatGPT or other generative artificial intelligence tools unless otherwise noted by the faculty
member. These tools present new challenges and opportunities."
"Within the confines of this
class The use of AI-content generators is strictly prohibited for any stage of homework/assignment
(e.g., draft or final product). The primary purposes of college are developing your thinking skills,
being creative with ideas, and expanding your understanding on a wide variety of topics. Using
these content generating AI tools thwarts the goal of homework/assignments to provide
students opportunities to achieve these purposes. Please make the most of this time that you
have committed to a college education and learn these skills now, so that you can employ them
throughout your life." -- Jennifer Mencl, UMD Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs, 10 May 2023
The Writers' Workshop offers free one-to-one writing support to all members of UMD's campus community. Sessions are held synchronously online or in-person with a graduate student or faculty consultant. Feel free to bring any writing project at any stage in the writing process. To make an appointment, visit or stop by the Workshop’s front desk located on the second floor of Martin Library and visit with Jill Jenson and her staff.
Students in this class have permission to see a Writers’ Workshop consultant for assistance on exams, and all written projects.
Tutoring Center
The Tutoring Center on the second floor of Martin Library offers free tutoring sessions for this course. Your tutor will be a high-achieving student trained to assist you. To learn more about the Tutoring Center, find the tutor(s) qualified for this subject area, or reserve a time with a tutor, please visit the Tutoring Center website. The tutors look forward to working with you!
Research Help is a service where librarians provide guidance, support, and instruction on how to find and use information. You can meet with a librarian when you’re not sure how to get started with a research project, when you’ve hit a wall in your research, or your usual process isn’t working. You can chat with a librarian 24/7, schedule an appointment with a subject librarian, email, or drop-in during the day.
Use of AI-content generators for assignments in this class
When I taught Advanced Writing for the Social Sciences here at UMD, for over twenty-five years, my rule of thumb advice to students was to plan to spend 60% or more of their time and effort revising drafts (for academic type writing).
In 2001 Wikipedia appeared on the scene and very quickly became a useful tool asa starting point for many academic projects even though as an open-source resource the Wikipedia entries are not checked and verified in the same manner as other traditional reference materials.
Spelling and grammar checkers arrived on the general scene and helped with spelling and grammar checking, but, as you no doubt have discovered, they continue to require human editing.
And, of course, before that we had a selection of excellent Encyclopedia offering good starting points for many projects, the most popular being The Encyclopedia Brittanica.
And long before that there were libraries--since at least the days of Alexandria in Egypt, in the third century B.C.
The bottom line . . .
Today the evolution of research resources and aids continues with the relatively rapid appearance of ChatGPT and other automated content generators.
As many folks have already found out, they can be very useful as starting points, much like their predecessors. But, from the academic point of view, they are still only starting points.
Professors nationwide are for the most part advised, and even encouraged, to experiment with the potentials of ChatGPT and similar apps.
In this class it is fine to experiment, with the caveat that all of your written academic work demonstrates that your personal efforts—including content development and revision—reflect your personal originality, exploration, analysis, explanation, integrating and synthesizing of ideas, organizational skills, evaluation, and overall learning and critical thinking efforts.
That is to say you may experiment with the AI tool to do tasks such as e.g, brainstorming, narrowing topics, writing first drafts, editing text, and the like. AI-generated works should in no case be more than that.
In the end you need to become familiar enough with the various subjects, peoples, and places discussed in this class to research a topic and problem-solve on your own, and carry on an intelligent conversation about them in modern-day society . . . a conversation that goes byond your voicing an unsupported opinion.
For the record, what follows is the official UMD Academic Integrity Policy. Note that "unless otherwise noted by the faculty
member" this is the default policy.
"UMD’s Academic Integrity policy covers any work done by automated content generators such as ChatGPT or other generative artificial intelligence tools unless otherwise noted by the faculty
member. These tools present new challenges and opportunities."
"Within the confines of this
class The use of AI-content generators is strictly prohibited for any stage of homework/assignment
(e.g., draft or final product). The primary purposes of college are developing your thinking skills,
being creative with ideas, and expanding your understanding on a wide variety of topics. Using
these content generating AI tools thwarts the goal of homework/assignments to provide
students opportunities to achieve these purposes. Please make the most of this time that you
have committed to a college education and learn these skills now, so that you can employ them
throughout your life." -- Jennifer Mencl, UMD Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs, 10 May 2023
. "Academic dishonesty
tarnishes UMD's reputation and discredits the accomplishments of
students. UMD is committed to providing students every possible
opportunity to grow in mind and spirit. This pledge can only be
redeemed in an environment of trust, honesty, and fairness. As a
result, academic dishonesty is regarded as a serious offense by all
members of the academic community. In keeping with this ideal, this
course will adhere to UMD's Student Academic Integrity Policy, which
can be found at [].
This policy sanctions students engaging in academic dishonesty with
penalties up to and including expulsion from the university for repeat
— UMD Educational Policy Committee, Jill Jensen, Chair
The instructor will enforce and students are expected to follow the University's Student Conduct Code [].
Appropriate classroom conduct promotes an environment of academic
achievement and integrity. Disruptive classroom behavior that
substantially or repeatedly interrupts either the instructor's ability
to teach, or student learning, is prohibited. Disruptive behavior
includes inappropriate use of technology in the classroom. Examples
include ringing cell phones, text-messaging, watching videos, playing
computer games, doing email, or surfing the Internet on your computer
instead of note-taking or other instructor-sanctioned activities."
— UMD Educational Policy Committee, Jill Jensen, Chair
Failure to comply with the above
codes and standards when submitting an Extra Credit paper will result in
a penalty commensurate with the lapse, up to and including an F final grade for the course, and, at a minimum, a reduction in total
points no fewer than the points available for the Extra Credit project.
The penalty will not simply be a zero for the project, and the
incident will be reported to the UMD Academic Integrity Officer in the
Office of Student and Community Standards.
A Note on "Cutting and Pasting" without the Use of Quotation Marks (EVEN IF you have a citation to the source somewhere in your paper)
If you use others' words and/or works you MUST so indicate that with the use of quotation marks. Failure to use quotation marks to indicate that the materials are not of your authorship constitutes plagiarism—even if you have a citation to the source elsewhere in your paper/work.
Patterned failure to so indicate that the materials are not of your own authorship will result in an F grade for the course.
Other instances of improper attribution will result in a 0 (zero) for the assignment (or a reduction in points equal to the value of an Extra Credit paper), and a reduction of one grade in the final grade of the course.
All incidents will be reported to the UMD Academic Integrity Officer in the
Office of Student and Community Standards as is required by University Policy.