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Anthropology of Europe
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  Nöel-Nicolas Coypel, c. 1726

Anthropology of Europe Course Information

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Reviewing Films
(information on reviewing films)

Manuscript outline and format suggestions

For a class project involving films
and / or
an Extra Credit Report on Anthropology of Europe related Films
have a look at the information below . . .

Choose a film that is closely related to the Anthrpology of Europe, and if you have any questions about whether the film you would like to review qualifies, please e-mail

  • Video Schedule (select a film from the "Optional" or "Recommended Films) other than one assigned for the Anthropology of Europe class

Watch the film one or more times

Then first write a summary of the film
(See "Suggested Strategies" below for suggestions)

And then write your response / evaluation of the film
(See "Suggested Strategies" below for suggestions)

 OWL logo, Online Writing Lab, Purdue University.

 The Purdue Online Writing Lab

Conducting Research

General Research Papers
 Argument Papers
 Exploratory Papers
 Types of APA Papers

APA General Format
(7th Ed.)
 APA Sample Paper

MLA General Format

MLA Sample Paper

Chicago-Turabian Manual of Style
(CMOS 17th Ed.)

General Format
 CMOS Author Date Sample Paper
 CMOS NB Sample Paper

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References / Useful Information

 OWL logo, Online Writing Lab, Purdue University.
 The Purdue Online Writing Lab

Descriptive Essays

Conducting Research

General Research Papers
 Argument Papers
 Exploratory Papers
 Types of APA Paper

APA General Format
(7th Ed.)
 APA Sample

MLA General Format

MLA Sample Paper

Chicago-Turabian Manual of Style
(CMOS 17th Ed.)

General Format
 CMOS Author Date Sample Paper
 CMOS NB Sample Paper

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Writing the Report

And you can do this for more than one subtopic

For example, you could have one set of "Journalist's Questions" for women's reality and a separate set for men's reality

And you could have still another for widows, etc., . . .

  • Time Sequence, T1 ---> T2 ---> T3 ---> T4 ---> . . .
    (In this case T1, etc., can equal scenes in the video, for example)

  • Space Sequence, S1 ---> S2 ---> S3 ---> S4 ---> . . .
    (In this case S1, etc., could equal the spacial scenes in the video)

    (In other cases -- but not so easy to do with the information provided in this film -- with S1, etc., you could describe situations East to West, for example)

  • N number of items

    "Ten itms define the importance of. . . .

    First, . . . .
    Second, . . . ."
    Third, . . . ."
    Finally, . . . ."

  • Most Important ---> Least Important:

    "The most important partition of . . . between Kypseli men and women is. . . ."

    "Next in importantance to the men is . . . while women. . . ."

  • Comparison / Contrast

    Note how things are the same and how they are different. In the Kypseli case, a logical comparison / contrast would be with / between "The Divided Reality" of the women's world and the men's world.

    Item # 1
    Item # 2
    Item # 3
    Item # 4
    Item # N


Required Last Section:

After you have described what you have seen/heard in your film/lecture you must end your paper with one or more detailed paragraphs indicating your own personal response to and evaluation of the film (required)

When you are finished with your paper it should look something like this . . .

(See more detailed outline below the following thumbnails for further details)


Kypseli p. 1



Title Page


Kypseli p. 2


Part I: Introduction


Part II: Body

use one or more
of the
"Suggested Stragegies"

Kypseli p. 3


Part II: Body

use one or more
of the
"Suggested Stragegies"

Kypseli p. 4


Part II: Body

use one or more
of the
"Suggested Stragegies"

Kypseli p. 5

Part III: Conclusion

including your own personal response to and evaluation of the film


Kypseli p. 6



(or "Works Cited")

When you write anything you should consider audience, purpose, and your personal style

  • For your case studiy, your audience should be your classmates in this class
  • do not write your college papers to the professor as audience

See the "Preparing the Final Draft" section of the Sociology - Anthropology - Criminology Writing Guide to see the details of what your Case Study report should look like when you hand it in

Basically, your film review should look like the paper which follows

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For more help see
Paradigm On-line Writing Assistant and / or
The Soc-Anth Department Writing Guide

Criteria for Grading College Writing



[more information on your title]

The Angelmakers.
Bussink, Astrid (2006).

by Elizabeth Lynne Cheney

An Anthroplogy of Europe

Film Review

Professor Roufs

12 March 2025

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Kypseli  1

I. Introdution
[more information on an Introduction]

Put an introductory statement here, explaining the nature of your case study. Include at the end a transitional statement about finding an item of interest that's a good example of some current trend or new discovery.

II. Body
[Give this section an interesting subtitle, something other than "Body"]

Describe and discuss your chosen topic(s) here. (If you do a comparison / contrast paper you will need more than one topic, otherwise a single topic is fine.) Use some form of organizational structure. The "Journalist's Questions," Who,What, When, Where, How and Why are often helpful.

For this assignment your "Body" could be made up of two parts:

    1. A summary of the contents of Kypseli: Women and Men apart -- a Divided Reality (41 min., 1987,  VC 3286)

    2. Your response / evaluation of Kypseli

    Use the Paradigm Online Writing Assistant if you do not have much experience writing college papers.

III. Conclusions

Put your conclusions here.

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Kypseli   N 


Works Cited

Your "References" or "Works Cited" information should go on a separate page.

See "Documenting Electronic Sources in Specific Disciplines" from OWL for information on how to cite items from the web.

References should all be double-spaced.


You must list videotapes and movies in your "References" section if you movies used them in your work.

In APA (American Psychological Association) style reference a movie or video as follows:


Hoffman, Susanna. M. (Director). (1973). Kypseli: Women

    and Men apart -- a Divided Reality [Film].
    Distributed by Extension Media
    Center. Berkeley, CA: University of California.


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