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Thursday, 27-Mar-2025 05:56:08 GMT

Europa and the Bull, Moreay.

Europa and the Bull

Enlèvement d'Europe
  Nöel-Nicolas Coypel, c. 1726

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La Macarena, Virgin of Hope
Seville, Spain

Portugeese Bullfighting
Portuguese Bullfighting

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The Buried Mirror:
The Virgin and the Bull

(UM DULUTH Martin Library DVD DP48 .E8713 2010)

(59 min., 1991, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 3933, pt. 1)

El Espejo Enterrado - La Virgen y El Toro
(presentado por Carlos Fuentes)
(link, in Spanish)


Book: The Buried Mirror.

Video: The Buried Mirror.







Cave art from Grotte Chauvet, France. Bear (left). Aurochs and rhinoceros (right).

Cave art from Grotte Chauvet, France
Bear (left). Aurochs and rhinoceros (right)
Source: Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 8th ed.
(Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2002), p. 335

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". . . The mirror, for American Indians, . . . symbolized power, the sun, the Earth, its four corners, and its people. Now, an extraordinary 'mirror' is being held up to the Old and New worlds to reflect the diverse cultures of Spanish-speaking countries and peoples, together with the themes, institutions, beliefs, and symbols that have endured or changed through time."

"Vibrant and illuminating, The Buried Mirror is an epic portrait of a remarkable history. . . ."

"Best-selling Mexican author Carlos Fuentes looks for his forebears in the mix of people that created Latin America: Spanish, Arab, Jewish, Indian and Africa. He asks what is unique in their culture that is cause for celebration in the 500th anniversary year of Columbus."

"His quest takes him from the quayside of Vera Cruz to Spain, to the dark caves of Altamira, the harsh sunlight of the bullring and the stamping feet of the flamenco dancer. . . ." -- Media Resources Center, University of North Carolina

Carlos Fuentes -- Academy of Achievement

  • Fuentes, Carlos. The Buried Mirror: Reflections on Spain and the New World. Marriner, 1999.
Europa and the Bull, Moreay.

Enlèvement d'Europe
by Nöel-Nicolas Coypel, c. 1726
Europa and the Bull, Moreay.

Europa and the Bull

Gustave Moreau, c.1869
Virgen deGuadalupe
Virgen deGuadalupe

Raul Salinas RIP.

¡Raúl R. Salinas, Presente!

March 17, 1934- February 13, 2008
raúlrsalinas and the Jail Machine: My Weapon is My Pen: Selected Writings


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