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Tejiendo Relatos

"Weaving Stories"
 [Aymara; Bolivia]
 (56:56 min., 2015)

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Summary: Tejiendo Relatos is a documentary that reflects the daily life of the women weavers in the Andean communities of Bolivia.

"Weaving Stories is a documentary that reflects on the role of the weaver women in Andean communities of Bolivia. The purpose of this work is to inform the world of these women, who express themselves through ancient textile techniques. The film contains 22 interviews with artisans from different regions, as well as with some of their husbands, in order to reflect this reality. Furthermore, the film includes the word from four specialists who contextualize the explanations provided by the women. The film first shows the daily life in the country, highlighting the textile work, among many other activities. It then reflects on their first steps in the textile universe, expressed through personal anecdotes related to their ancestors. At the same time, one can see an oneiric world, where a series of tales and legends become protagonists, either through weave or by oral narratives. Finally, it challenges the textile heritage and the future of these ancient techniques, which are becoming endangered by frequent migrations from the countryside to cities." -- International Festival of Ethnological Films 

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Film WebPage

Best Ethnographic Film Award
at the XXVI International Festival of Ethnological Film Belgrade 2017

IAMS Award
at the ESPIELLO International Ethnographic Documentary Festival 2017 and the

"El vídeo participativo es más que un proceso de realización,
Es una herramienta para cambiar el mundo que nos rodea.

["Participatory video is more than a process of realization;
It is a tool to change the world around us".

Tejiendo Relatos is a documentary that reflects the role of weaving women in the Andean communities of Bolivia. The purpose of this work is to make the world of these women known, expressed through ancestral textile techniques.”

“. . . The objective of this project is to publicize their work, in order to revalue an art that unfortunately is on the way to extinction.”

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Last Modified Sunday, 08 August 2021, 13:34 (01:34 PM) CDT, day 220 of 2021
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