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Suleyman Mosque, Istanbul

Süleyman Mosque
, Istanbul


Ottoman Empire A.D. 1680



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the Magnificent

Süleyman I

(57 min., 1987, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 1009)




Wikipedia > ~ Suleiman
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Sultan Suleyman 1 Kanuni

Süleyman the Lawgiver
Süleyman the Magnificient
1494 - 1566

Roxelana, wife of sultan Süleyman the Magnificent.


"The Cheerful One"
(ca. 1500
-- 18 April 1558 )
wife of sultan Süleyman the Magnificent

"Explores the breathtaking palaces and mosques of Turkey, describes the political, cultural, and social history of the 16th century Ottoman Empire, and focuses on the dramatic life and personality of Sultan Süleyman."


"Moors" (NB . . . "not distinct or self-defined people"; "The term 'Moors' has no real ethnological value.")—The Almoravides dynasty, c. 1100 CE. At the dynasty's greatest expanse of control a succession of Moroccan-based states strongly affected culture from modern Senegal to the Iberian Peninsula."

"Moors" (NB . . . "not distinct or self-defined people"; "The term 'Moors' has no real ethnological value.")—"The Almoravides dynasty, c. 1100 CE. At the dynasty's greatest expanse of control a succession of Moroccan-based states strongly affected culture from modern Senegal to the Iberian Peninsula."

"At the close of the first millennium AD, the greatest and most cultured city in western Europe was not Rome, Paris, or London. It was Córdoba, the capital of Arab Andalusia, in what is now southern Spain. There were parks, palaces, paved roads, oil lamps to light the streets, seven hundred mosques, three hundred public baths, and extensive drainage and sewage systems. Perhaps the most impressive of all was the public library, completed around 970 CE and containing nearly half a million books—more books than any other European library, or indeed most European countries. And it was merely the largest of seventy libraries in the city. No wonder Hroswitha, a tenth-century German chronicler, described Córdoba as 'the jewel of the world.'" —Tom Standage, A History of the World in 6 Glasses (Walker, 2006, p. 93.)

Map of The Caliphate

The Caliphate
from Imperial History of the Middle East: 5000 Years of History in 90 seconds -- Maps of War

Map depicting the Ottoman Empire at its greatest extent, in 1683.

Map depicting the Ottoman Empire at its greatest extent, in 1683

Notice where the Caliphate and the Ottoman Empires end in Europe, and compare those with the Holy Roman Empire around A.D. 1600 (below)

Holy Roman Empire around A.D. 1600


Holy Roman Empire around 1600

Imperial History of the Middle East:
5000 Years of History in 90 seconds


view video

Ottoman Empire Map in the 18th century
from -- Maps of War

Map of the Ottoman Empire.


The 90 second synopsis includes . . .

  • Note the recapitulation in about 3.5 seconds
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