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Understanding Global Cultures

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Global Cultures
Frequently Asked Questions

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If you have other questions, please stop by Cina 215, or e-mail:

  • If a section is closed, how do I get a "magic number?"

    • To get a magic number first talk with the instructor, or e-mail:

    • The enrollments in some of our classrooms, for example, Cina 214, are regulated by the Fire Marshal and when those rooms are full, by law, they are full. There is not much we can do at that point. Room capacities regulated by the Fire Marshal generally have a little red sign indicating the offical room capacity. Thanks for your understanding.

  • Why does it usually take you so long to answer a simple question? It seems like you often get "sidetracked" with your answers.

    • I'll try to keep this answer short.

    • The best time to learn is when one has a question. When a question is asked in class the answer will generally include materials that were scheduled for discussion at a later date. For example, you might ask about Istanbul the first week of class. The answer to that may seem long and "sidetracked" because part of the answer is part of the Istanbul and Turkey presentation scheduled for Week 05 >> Day 09. Then, when we get to the time originally scheduled for Turkey, I skip over the materials covered when the question was originally asked in class.

      And so it goes that way. . . .
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© 1998 - 2025 Timothy G. Roufs    Envelope: E-mail
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Last Modified Thursday, 21 May 2015, 08:19 (08:19 AM) CDT, day 141 of 2015
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