The Interdisciplinary Studies Committee scrutinizes applications carefully, because these become curricular contracts for highly individualized courses of study. Each is unique, so we can't give any "rules," but the following tips may help you.

Allow plenty of time. Most students need a few weeks to get the application ready.

Read the instructions and form carefully, trying to fill in the blanks mentally and noting things you have to learn.

Get lots of faculty advice. Faculty members know about their own disciplines and departmental requirements, but each one may not be well informed about other components of your proposed major.

. Make an appointment, and keep it.

. Give your name.

. Bring along your transcript, the I.S. application form and a copy of the I.S. brochure (not all faculty are familiar with the Interdisciplinary Program). Extra forms and brochures are available in Cina 208.

. Bring along a draft of your "Statement of Purpose."

If you think a person would be a good advisor, ask if he or she would be willing to serve (the information sheet tells what the advisor's responsibilities are).

Get to know the UMD Bulletin. Theoretically, any course at UMD is available for incorporating into an Interdisciplinary Studies major, but in actual practice there are real limitations of prerequisites and prior knowledge, as well as restrictions on space available.

. Many courses list prerequisites. These should be on page 2 of the application.

. Sometimes prerequisites can be waived by the instructor or department for I.S. Majors. If you do this, list the appropriate persons on your application form as Consulting Advisors-and get their signatures before submitting the form!

If your proposal includes courses in Accounting, Finance and Information Science, or Management Studies, you must also show that you will have taken at least one course in Economics, one in Accounting, and one in statistics (Econ 1203 or Math 1565 or Soc 1500 or Psych 3020).

Because written communication is important in any field, you should include your Advanced Writing course.

For your statement of purpose be sure to address the purpose of the major you are proposing. For example, if you want a "broad liberal arts major," you should explain why you chose Humanities, or British Studies, or Nineteenth Century Studies or whatever liberal arts specialty you selected. If your work experience seems relevant to explaining your purpose, provide the essential information but otherwise don't get carried away with an autobiography. Be concise and to the point, and after you have written your statement, ask "Did I make a convincing case for this particular major?".

Proofread and correct the entire application. Are the course numbers correct? Any spelling errors? Did you name your advisors? Is your current address and telephone number correct? Did you date the application?

Get a current transcript and attach it to your proposal. When satisfied with the application, get your advisors' signatures (both principal and consulting).

Make a copy for your files and take the original to the Director. Make an appointment to discuss your draft proposal with him and after discussion with him revise your proposal if necessary. Submit your final draft to him by the beginning of the sixth week of the quarter. The committee will meet to consider applications in the seventh or eighth week of the quarter. A letter reporting the Committee's action will be sent a few days after the meeting.
