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The College of Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota, Duluth welcomes your comments and questions, please do not hesitate to drop us a line--our job is to serve you.

We are also interested in hearing any suggestions you might have for improving this page, as well as descriptions of any problems you have encountred while using this service.

Information Request Form

If your browser doesn't support forms, please check out the other ways of contacting us:
Please enter your complete e-mail address :

Please enter your full name :

Please enter your complete U.S. mail address, including zip code:

Please enter your telephone number, including area code :

If you are in High School, which one?

What is your current college, major and UMD id number if you have one?

Send me information about...

Check the buttons next to the information you wish us to send (you may select more than one):

Interdisciplinary Studies Major
American Studies Track
Classical Heritage Track
Contemporary Humanities Track
Humanities/Classics Minor
I would also like an application and application materials.


Do you have any other questions or comments?

(click only once!)

You may also request this information by calling UMD's admissions toll free at
(and ask to be transferred to the Student Affairs Office of CSE)

Or write to:
Interdisciplinary Programs
University of Minnesota, Duluth
College of Liberal Arts
111 Cina Hall
10 University Drive
Duluth, MN 55812

[CLA Home Page] [CLA Student Affairs]

This web page ( /~tbacig/ispage/form.html) is maintained by Tom Bacig, and was last updated Thursday, 15-Feb-96 11:56:35 CST. Send comments to

Copyright 1995, University of Minnesota, Duluth.
The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.