Contemporary Humanities Track

The track requires a minimum of 60 credits at the upper level, in addition to 28 credits of lower level courses. In common with all Interdisciplinary Studies majors, students must submit a statement of their educational objectives and a list of propo sed courses to the Committee on Interdisciplinary Studies for approval, usually before the completion of 90 credits. As with other IS majors, the requirement for a minor is waived.

Lower Division (28)

Three courses from the following:

AmS 1030 - Landscapes, Am Cult (4)
AmS 1060 - Am Im Heritage (4)
HmCl 1002 - Renaissance Legacy (4)
HmCl 1003 - Revolu Change, Humanities (4)
Jour 1101 - Intro Mass Comm (4)

Remaining credits should be selected from the following:

Anth 1604 - Cultur Anthropology (5)
ArtH 1202 - Sur West Art Hist II (4)
Engl 1907 - Intro to Literature (4)
FA 1405 - Hist Amer Archit (3)
HmCl 1023 - Folklore (4)
Mu 1260 - Ethnic, Folk Music (4)
Phil 1003 - Ethics and Society (4)
Phil 1007 - Phil, World Relig (4)
Ams 1040 - Frontier Heritage (4)
Span 1580 - Hispanic Cultures (4)
Th 1500 - Intro Theatre Arts (4)
AmIn 1105 - Sur No Amer Ind Arts (4)
AmIn 1106 - Am Ind Prose, Poetry (3)
AmIn 1120 - Am Indian 20th Century (4)
Mu 1209 - Jazz Studies (4)
WS 1000 - Intro Women's Stds (5)

Upper Division (Minimum 60)

IS 3001 -- Interdis Methods Sem (3)
IS 3050 -- Senior Project (2 -15)
Remaining courses should be selected from the following, choosing courses from a minimum of two categories. Directed Study and Special Topics courses may be applied to any appropriate category. In addition, students may select other classes, as approved b y their adviser.

Category I: Literary and Artistic Culture

AmIn 3260 - Amer Ind Novel (3)
ArtH 3310 - History of the Printed Image (3)
ArtH 5510 - European Art (4)
ArtH 5512 - American Art 20 Cen (4)
Engl 3271, 3371, 3471 - Contemporary Literature (4 ea)
Engl 3580 - Women Writers (4)
Engl 5574 - Major Amer Authors (4)
Engl 5585 - Am Women Authors (4)
HmCl 3010 - Expressions of Self (4)
HmCl 3023 - U.S. Folklore (4)
HmCl 3023 - Hist Jesus (4)
HmCl 3290 - Am Fiction to Film (4)
WS 3200 - Women's Autobiogra (3)

Category II: Media and Popular Culture

AmIn 3630 - Am Ind, Media (3)
Comm 3331 - Critical Assess TV (4)
Comm 3341 - Doc Film and TV (3)
Comm 5330 - Children, Television (4)
Comm 3550 - Comm and Ad Process (3)
HmCl 3035 - Mu, Lives of Beatles (3)
HmCl 3038 - Fiction to Film (4)
HmCl 3081 - Black Heritage (4)
HmCl 3220 - Science Fiction (4)
HmCl 3230 - Utopian Images (4)
HmCl 3240 - Women, Men, Pop Cult (4)
HmCl 3250 - Great Depress'n Art (4)
HmCl 3260 - Southern Culture (4)
HmCl 3270 - The Sixties (4)
HmCl 3280 - Civil Rights (4)
HmCl 5230 - Media in Culture (4)
Jour 3155 - Rights, Respon: Media (4)
WS 3400 - Women and Film (4)

Category III: Cultural Issues

HmCl 3051 - Science and Civ (4)
Anth 3628 - Wm in Crcul Persp (4)
Anth 5616 - Cult, Personality (4)
Anth 5621 - Myth, Sacred Symbols (4)
Comm 3220 - Gender Communication (4)
Comm 3621 - Case Stude Pub Disc (4)
Hist 3364 - Civil Rights Move (4)
HmCl 5210 - Architecture, Human Values (4)
Ling 5831 - Sociolinguistics (4)
Phil 3001 - Existential Literature (3)
Phil 3242 - Values and Technology (4)
Phil 3260 - Phil Sex, Love (40
Phil 5200 - Aesthetics (4)
Soc 3530 - Qualit Res Methods (4)
Soc 3700 - Social Psychology (4)
Span 3580 - Hisp Am Civ, Cult (4)
WS 3150 - Women-Ident Culture (4)

Additional Courses:

HmCl 3590 - Independent Study (1-4)
HmCl 5590 - Independent Study (1-4)
HmCl 3001 - Special Topics Hum (4)
