Classical Heritage Track

The Classical Heritage track requires a minimum of 60 credits at the upper level, in addition to 28 credits of lower level courses. In common with all Interdisciplinary Studies majors, students must submit a statement of their educational objectives and a list of proposed courses to the Committee on Interdisciplinary Studies for approval, usually before the completion of 90 credits. As with other IS majors, the requirement for a minor is waived.

Lower Division (28):

HmCl 1001 - Classical Heritage (4)
HmCl 1002 - Renaissance Legacy (4)
HmCl 1021 - Classical Mythology (4)

Remaining credits should be selected from the following. (Language study is encouraged for those who wish to pursue advanced graduate study in History, Humanities, Classics, and Medieval and Renaissance civilization):

Art 1002 - Intro to Art (4)
ArtH 1203 - Hist World Art I (4)
ArtH 1204 - Hist World Art II (4)
ArtH 1305 - Class Theme Art History (4)
Engl 1535 - King Arthur (4)
HmCl 1022 - Bible as Literature (4)
Anth 1602 - Prehist Cultures (5)
Anth 1612 - Intro Archaeology (4)
Fr 1501-02-03 - College Fr I -II - III (12)
Ger 1501-02-03 - College Ger I - II - III (12)
Span 1501-02-03 - College Span I - II - III (12)

Upper Division (minimum 60):

IS 3001 - Interdis Meth Sem (3)
IS 3050 - Senior Project (2-15)

Remaining credits may be selected from the following categories, choosing courses from a minimum of two categories. Directed Study courses may be applied to any appropriate category. In addition, students may select other classes, as approved by their adv iser.

Category I

Historical and Cultural (Ancient)

ArtH 5167 - Ancient Art (4)
HmCl 3020 - Age of Heroes: Homer (4)
HmCl 3030 - Roman Republic (4)
HmCl 3040 - Roman Empire (4)
HmCl 3055 - Ancient Near East (4)
HmCl 3150 - Anc Egyptian Cult (4)
HmCl 3333 - Homer to Alexander (4)

Philosophical and Literary (Ancient)

HmCl 3022 - Hist Jesus (4)
HmCl 3028 - Women Classic World (4)
HmCl 3210 - Greek Tragic World (4)
Phil 3301 - Greek Philosophy (4)

Category II

Historical and Cultural (Medieval)

Geog 3161 - Vikings: Env, Cult (4)
HmCl 3007 - Late Rom, Med World (4)
HmCl 5333 - Med Lit Cult Contx (4)

Philosophical and Literary (Medieval)

Phil 3302 - Phil, Middle Ages (4)
Engl 5312 - Chaucer (4)
Engl 5322 - Old Eng Lang, Lit (4)
Engl 5523 - Mdl Eng Lang, Lit (5)

Category III

Historical and Cultural (Renaissance)

Hist 3110 - Makers, Renais Era (4)
Mu 3200 - Mediev, Renaiss Mus (4)
ArtH 5302 - Ital Renaiss Paint (4)
ArtH 5303 - Ital Renaiss Sculpture (4)
Art H 5304 - Renaissance Art (4)
Span 5213 - Spanish Poetry (4)
Span 5214 - Cervantes (4)
Engl 3223 - Shakespeare (4)

Additional Courses:

HmCl 3590 - Independent Study (1-4)
HmCl 5590 - Independent Study (1-4)
HmCl 3001 - Spec Topics in Hum (4)
