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The influence of Film on popular culture in the 1960s

Since its invention, film has been a powerful media. For people who do not enjoy reading or other more "stimulating" leisure, it presents an enjoyable form of entertainment. But for most people, having not to think too hard about plot action is acceptable.
During the 1960s, bold new filmmakers brought incredible films to the big screen. Many of these movies gave society many new ways to understand the changing world around them. Most of the movies were produced by large studios, but some of the more important films that had influcence on the decade were produced on relatively small budgets.
The actors and authors of these films held a very important role in society. Some of them were strong role models for society. Several of the films below were not produced in the 1960s, but rather, are about the 1960s. This is a very important aspect of the sixties: people telling stories about how is was then.
Note: IMDB used below is the Internet Movie Database

Some of the films that were essential to/about the 1960s: