1. Write a statement that you think would produce an interesting discussion about what Ken Kesey meant when he said "WE BLEW IT" (p.367, Kool Aid Acid Test). You might want to compare Kesey's judgment with Wyatt's similar judgment in Easy Rider. (5 minutes)
2. Write a question that you think might help us understand what Kesey and the Pranksters were trying to accomplish. Tie your question to a specific quotation from Kool Aid Acid Test. (5 minutes)
3. Share your statements and questions with the rest of the group. Spend a bit of time talking with each other about each of the questions and statements to see where they lead you. (15 minutes)
4. Write a combined statement and a combined question that you would like to have the instructor discuss and then discuss them with each other. (20 minutes)
5. Turn in this sheet with the statemen and the question you would like the instructor to discuss and the names of the rest of your group written in the spaces provided.
The members of group #________ were: