The Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) has been responsible for collecting, analyzing, and publishing traffic count data from the various roadway systems throughout the state. The traffic reporting system mainly developed by the Office of Trasportation Data & Analysis (TDA) at Mn/DOT headquarters has been used in several federal programs, internal Mn/DOT applications, and many private sectors. The objective of this project at UMD was to continue the TDA's automation efforts by computerized integration of the current manual efforts to import, filter, and analyze the Mn/DOT TMC portion of the traffic data (called ITS data) contributed to the Mn/DOT’s Traffic Monitoring System. This web page is provided as a result of the data project that involved development of a new data imputation techniques, archived data management system, and fast data processing techniques for large data at TDRL (Transporation Data Research Laboratory). The raw data received from the Mn/DOT TMC through on-line automation is automatically processed by the comptuters in the TDRL Data Center and is deliverd to Mn/DOT TDA for the final process. The resulting data is freely available to other interested users through this web page interface. To obtain the data and the tools to access them, please use the links below.
Daily traffic binary data for the entire year for all defined stations.